°32° I hope you're ready for birthday sex love?

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This chapter is dedicated to GilFeWiMarkan

This chapter is dedicated to GilFeWiMarkan

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Lianna is busy working on her assignment. She's surrounded by textbooks, her laptop, notebooks, and crumpled papers. Throughout it all I lie on the couch watching her work while gathering ideas for her birthday. Lianna will turn 24. I have some ideas but nothing is sticking.

I want it to be special a day she won't ever forget. But what would create such a day for Lianna? That's the magic question I've been puzzling over for the past hour since Lianna began working. I can't think of anything. We just went on a beautiful trip so another one seems too done that already. There isn't a lack of clothes, or art supplies since I've gotten her a massive amounts of those. What will I gift Lianna that she doesn't have already? Something that's memorable and special.

Other than how we'll celebrate the day, I don't know what present to get her. I feel at a lost but I least there's still time to figure it out. As if Lianna could hear the wheels in my head turning she looked up from the thick book she's skimming and smiles at me. Alezorio loved how she's becoming more in tuned with his emotions as their relationship progresses.

It meant they were growing even closer in spirit not just two separate individuals but one entity. Its something he's never experienced in a relationship before Lianna. When I was still dating Adrianne I didn't feel so connected with her as I feel with Lianna. Our relationship was so different than this one. Sometimes I question if that made her cheat but there isn't anything that justifys cheating.

Like whoever the Jason guy is who cheated on my love, he's really stupid. Like how can you cheat on someone so perfect. Cheating is wrong period just breakup then if anything. I hope he doesn't come back asking for forgiveness. We don't need another crazy ex. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it.

Maybe I'm thinking about Lianna's gift all wrong. Lianna loves watching Korean dramas and Anime, reading, painting, and so many other things. Maybe her gift should be related to one of these. Which one though? Hmm?

"I think I've done enough for today. I'll work on it more tomorrow."

Lianna started straightening up her things. When she finished throwing away all the scrap papers she comes to lay next to me. I scoot back so she has room. Lianna lays down facing me her head on my arm.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"I'm trying to think of how we'll celebrate your birthday and gift ideas."

"Don't stress about it Ali. Whatever happens I'm sure I'll love it as long as your there with me. I don't really need any gifts cause you've given me so much already."

I don't have anything to say to this, just kiss her forehead and pull her closer. Lianna snuggles into me. I breath in her natural scent and play with her braids. She say she's going to have them in for another week then take them out. Which I can't wait for. Even though I like them I missed her hair, Its messy curlyness.


Lianna's Birthday

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Lianna's Birthday

Alezorio still won't tell me where we're going. We're driving to someplace which I don't know because my eyes are covered with a blindfold. I can't believe I'm 24 today on April 11th. Usually when my birthday comes around it's just another normal day but this one I'm with someone special. Someone who loves me for everything that I am and doesn't want to change a thing about me. Thinking about it makes me so grateful I found Alezorio.

I never realized I was just surviving before him, never truly living. The old me went through life with blinders on never really seeing the beauty around her until he came into my life. For that I promise myself never to take him for granted.

"Are we there yet Ali?"

"Not yet love be patient."

He has an amused tone. It's not my fault I hate suprises. Alezorio's only hint is it has to do with something I love. Which is very vague but that's the point. I'm happy I know what I'm gonna do for his birthday. August can't come quick enough.

"We're almost there."

Okay good because I'm really itching to take off this blindfold. A few minutes later the car starts to slow then comes to stop meaning we're here. I wonder where is here? I stay still because I already hear Alezorio coming round to help me out. He opens my door takes my hand. I unlocks the seat belt.

"Watch your head Lia."

At the same time his hand holds the top of my hair to guide me as I climb out. I hear no distinct sounds to identify where we could be. Alezorio shuts the door and holds my waist leading me somewhere.

Where is he taking us?

I have no clue.

"Lianna I hope you like it."

We are walking along. I feel us climb steps as if entering a build then we turn right. After a sudden stop. I hear Alezorio press something then a ding.

We're going into an elevator.

He hold so I don't buck my feet. The doors closes, Alezorio presses the floor and up we go. There's no elevator music just quiet. It makes me question over an over where we're going.

Soon we're exiting the elevator and Alezorio is guiding me again. Then we stop again. I turn to him even though can't see his face.

"Lianna when we go inside I'm going to take off the blindfold but you still have to keep your eyes close."

I nod okay. Alezorio opens a door then leads me inside. The sound of it shut makes me a little nervous but also excited. I feel him untie the blindfold but keep my eyes closed. Inside my eyelids all I see is darkness.



A bunch of children voices sound as lights eliminate the room. I open and see all the kids from my class at children Village with large unstrangled smiles on their faces. The room I realize is a venue with tables scattered, balloons hung up, party decorations In front me is a banner that says Happy Birthday Ms. Lianna. Its handmade. The whole thing looks like its designed by the children.

How'd he put this together?

"Do you like it love? I didn't know what could make you happier than your children."

Aww. He did all this. How did I get so lucky? Alezorio pulls me into a warm hug and whisper something for my ears only.

"This isn't every thing. You'll get your present later when we get home. I hope you're ready for birthday sex love."


Koi soups I have some big ideas for ths next few chapters but I don't know if they'll play out like I speculate or go differently when I actually write them. What do you guys think is coming next?

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