°9° Have you ever dated anyone besides me?

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If the messages were confusing to read, Koi Soups please let me know so I can correct them. Thank you so much to those of you who have been reading The Insecure Beauty so far and commenting your thoughts.

Dedicated to foodlovr09.

Lianna you are such a very private person

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Lianna you are such a very private person.

My recent text read from Alezorio. He apparantly wants to get to know more about me. So he's initiating we text twenty questions to fix that.

Don't people usually play 20 question in person, not by text?

Yes but we're taking it slow remember.

Right I forgot he said he would go at my pace. Hopefully he doesn't ask anything too personal because I might not answer.

What's your first question?

I waited for his inquisition to begin. It's beyond me why he wants to get to know me but I guess I'll go along with it.

Do you have any other siblings besides Jaye?

That was a easy one. This might not be so bad.

No just Jaye.

What have you done with the stuffed animal from our date?

It's on my bed.

What's your favorite color?


What is your favorite food?

Any kind of seafood.

Aren't I supposed to ask you questions too? I text him right after.

I didn't know you had questions for me.

I don't I just think it's a little one sided.

That's a lie, there are things I'd like to know about Alezorio. Not that I want to admit it to him. Maybe he'll get annoyed and end this game.

Nope he respond with.

How about I ask you my 20 first, then You ask me 5 questions?

Why? I didn't want to play 20 questions, you did.

Lianna I specifically remember you agreeing to not ignore me and in return I would not kiss you without permission. Is the deal off the table?

He's literally blackmailing me into doing what he wants. How did I get into this situation?

Ok I'll as you 5 questions afterwards.

Good now where were we. What are your favorite hobbies?

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