SL ㅡ 39

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I gulped

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I gulped. I can't stop my sweat from dripping.

"Is it you, Mina-ssi?"

"Y-Yes." My lips are shaking.

I can't breathe well and blink an eye. I feel like if I blink it is the end of me.

"You're such a beautiful child." She gave me a soft smile and put the knife down. "Come here."

I breathe in relief when the knife set on the table. I walk closer as she said and stood next to her. We are facing the table full of ingredients.

"I already know Chaeyoung's taste and you're the first person she introduced to me. That means you two are serious about the relationship you have."

"Y-Yes!" I bow briefly. "I really like your granddaughter," I confessed out of the blue. I just want to make her feel that I'm serious about my feelings and intention about her granddaughter.

She let out a soft chuckle that made her dimple visible. I guess, Chaeyoung got her dimple from her grandmother then. You can't tell if she's an old woman cause she looks young as well. She looks like on her 40's, not 50's.

"I can see that in your eyes but relax and feel at home." She touched the vegetables, arranging the leaves. "I heard about your family background." She said, eyes on the vegetables and look at me. "It must have been hard for you. I'm sorry if I have to hear it from someone else."

I shake my hand. "I-It's alright." I polite smile. "Everyone who knows me knows about my family background."

She nods a little. "From now on, you can call me 'halmoni'. See me as your own grandmother because the very moment you set your foot in this house, you become part of our family."

I gulped in delight. I can't believe what I heard!


I feel so good right now that I want to dance in victory!


I gulped.

I think my heart suddenly stopped beating from being too excited.



"Since you two are both women and you're the older one, you have the responsibility to take care of the younger one and lead her towards the good ways."

"Yes, halmoni."

"Since you said yes, I want to tell you the reason why I want to meet you."

I gulped again.

"I want to teach you how to become a good wife and how Chaeyoung won't say no to you."

I smile stupidly! The way she said it feels so great. It's like she's helping me how to please her granddaughter.


I feel like if I ask her to marry her granddaughter she will say yea right away and set our wedding right here right now.


I feel like in cloud 9. I feel like floating in the clouds of hearts.

'I likey likey!'

I smile from ear to ear.


I jolted and face her. My cheeks are hot. I feel so embarrassed imagining how I look like smiling stupidly.

"You seem to like my idea."

I bow and scratched my head. "I apologize."

She chuckled softly. "It's alright. So, the reason why I called you here in the kitchen instead of meeting you in the living room, is that I want you to help me prepare a meal for lunch. I heard you're good at cooking."

"I'm not that good at cooking halmoni, but if you don't mind, can you correct it? In case, it doesn't suit your taste. I heard grandmothers are good in the kitchen. I'm willing to learn if you won't mind teaching me."

She nodded wearing a smile. "I would love to teach you. Chaeyoung isn't really interested in cooking, I can't force her to learn. But since you're part of our family now and you're willing to learn, It's a pleasant thing to hear."

I smile thankfully. "Thank you halmoni for accepting me warmly. I was really nervous to be here."

She chuckled a little. "Did Timothy told you something about me?"

I smile shyly and look down.

"Timothy is a man. I have to be strict with him to measure his love and loyalty towards my daughter. But in your case, you're a businesswoman in such a young age, so I guess, you have good hospitality and can take responsibility well. I wish nothing from you, I just want you to love my granddaughter and never hurt her. But in a relationship, pain is present, I just hope you won't give up. Don't let her go, will you?"

I smile. The kind of smile that she can trust me. "Believe it or not, halmoni. But the best thing that ever happened to me was to meet her and become together. I was so broken in the past but she healed me. She made my dying heart alive once again. I can say, I can't live without her. How can I let go the person who was the reason for my existence? Of course not, halmoni. I won't let her go."

She smile sweetly. "I'm so glad to hear that. Mostly, someone would say 'yes, I won't let her go'. But in your case, you voiced out yourself. I'm so happy because I wish nothing for my grandchildren but to be loved and happy. Although she didn't tell me about her relationship before, I know how much she suffered. So I hoped, that won't happen again. Can I have your trust Mina-ssi?"

I nodded. "I won't let anyone be the reason for her tears, halmoni. Not even myself. That won't happen. I will never break her heart. Breaking her heart just means killing myself." I shake my head lightly. "I cant."

She smile. "That's enough for me to know. Shall we start?"

I polite smile. "Yes, halmoni."


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