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My alarm woke me up. Ughh I don't want toooo, I think to myself. Soon I sit up, trying to wake myself up. Looking over to Nick, I see he's not laying next to me. I take a better look. I turn the lights on. He wasn't it the room and he wasn't in the bathroom. Wtf?


Baby, where are you?


You're really worrying


where are you!?!

Hahaha baby, take
it easy. I'm just out
to get something
don't worry.

Nick, you can't do
that to me, I almost
shit myself😭

Aww baby, I'll be back
in 5.

Okay bebe❤️



I brushed my teeth waiting for Nick to come back home. I was putting on something casual for the flight. Suddenly I hear the door open.
"Hi mamas."
He says walking into the bathroom. I turn around and kiss him.

"You can't do that shit to me."


"Leave without telling me. I started worrying so much."
Nick gives out a little giggle.

"Don't you worry about me. I handle my own business."
He says. I chuckle.
"What's so funny?"

"What business you talking 'bout? If I remember correctly I was the one who had to help you with that guy that crashed into your car."

"You didn't have to help me with anything. Nobody told you to stop and handle the shit, I could've done it on my own."

"Mhm just like you got those $70 000 from him on your own."
I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh right, we just gonna' act like I wasn't involved with that John situation at your house?"
I laugh.

"You're not serious are you? You didn't handle anything you were just there with me."

"It's your business and you dragged me into it."
Nick says. This wasn't a real fight, we did this for jokes. It was kinda' fun arguing with him.

"Yeah, But you didn't handle anything."

"I handed you your bag."
He says. We look at each other and then both of us started laughing.

"Man you're such a dork."
I say. He gave me a plastic bag with something in it. It was 4 of those tasty avocado toasts from the cafe yesterday.
"Awww Nick, you're so cute."
I say giving him a peck on the lips.

"See, I have to handle your business."

"Oh shut up."
I say pushing him lightly.

𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝔸!
We got of the plane and we were waiting for Zion to come and pick us up. Finally we saw a black Benz stop in front of us and soon Zion jumped out of it.
"Nick! Chantel!"
He yells running towards Nick and hugging him. Then he turned towards me and hugged me as well.
"We missed you guys so much!"
He says. I laugh.

"We missed you too."
I say. We got into the car and so we talked about everything that happened, from the cafe with the great avocado toast to the game were the Giants unfortunately lost.

We were outside the house.
"Home sweet home."
Nick says. He opened the front door and suddenly all I hear is a little bark. A dog? Soon I saw a little puppy jumping up and down barking and licking my leg.
"Oh my god cutie!!! Who's dog is this?"
I ask turning towards Nick. He shrugs.

"That's my dog. We bought him two days ago after you guys left for Texas. His name is Simba."
Zion says picking him up and holding him like Simba from the Lion King.

"Zion, please don't tell me you named him Simba just to hold him up like that."
I say taking the dog away from him.
"Hi simba. You're so cute, yes you are, yes you are."
I say in a baby voice. All of the guys looked weirdly at me.

"YeS yOu ArE, yEs YoU arE."
Edwin mocks me. I raise my eyebrow.

"You see Edwin over there?"
I say to Sibma, while pointing towards Edwin. To my surprise, Simba actually looked at his direction.
"We don't like him, okay?"
I say. Simba looks at me then back at Edwin before giving out a little bark. I look at Edwin with wide eyes as we all soon crack into laughter, all of us except for Edwin.

"Wha- Chantel, what did you do and how did you do that?"
Zion asks.
"I've tried to teach him to sit for the past 24 hours and he doesn't listen to me."
Zion says clearly a little frustrated.

"I don't know I think I can like, speak to dogs."
I say chuckling.

"Look at this."
Zion says as he turns towards Simba who was standing in front of him wagging his tail.
"Simba sit."
He doesn't flinch.
"Sit simba!"
Still nothing. I laugh at the way he tries to make him sit.

"Give me some dog treats."
I say.

"Oh you won't like them, they taste discusting."
Zion says. We all look at him in confusion.

"Zion, are you good? I'm not gonna' eat them, it's for the dog you dumbass."
I say, he looks at me and chuckles.

"Oh, uh, yeah I knew that. Pfft, I was just playin'."
He says walking over to the kitchen getting the treats. He gives me a dog treat and simba immediately starts jumping on me. I sit on the grown holding the treats in my hands letting him smell my hand so he knows I got treats.

"Now watch this."
I say as I look at the dog.
"Simba sit."
I say as I push his but down so he was in a sitting position.
"Good job Simba!"
I say giving him a treat.

"He didn't fucking sit, you helped him."
Zion says.

"Well you moron, he has to know what sit is if you're gonna' teach him."
Brandon says.

"Okay Simba, Sit."
I say, as I wait to se if he will react, once again I hold his but down and give him a treat.
"Good boy. Simba sit."
And this time he sat down on his own. All of the boys started cheering.
"Yes Simba, you're such a good boy."
I say as I give him a treat and kiss him, he starts licking my face. I hand Zion one of the dog treats.
"Now you tell him."

"Simba, Sit."
And so he does. Zion started jumping up and down.
"Yay, my dog can sit! Thank you C!!"
He says and hugs me.

As long as you've got me                                             |Nick Mara|Where stories live. Discover now