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Today I was finally seeing my roommates again after 3 weeks. It's been very lonely without them although the last few days I've had some good company. They won't be back in LA until 2 AM but I'll be waiting.

My morning was nice. I've been in a good mood since last night and everything just feels like it's going good. My phone vibrates.


Hi Chantel, wanna grab
something to eat?

Yeah, sure. What time?

I'm free whenever.

2 PM good?
Yup! Wanna go for
some in-n-out?

Sounds good.

Bet. See ya.

See ya!

I really liked Maggie. She's been so nice to me since the minute I walked into the house. Her energy is great and we just got the same vibe. And not to mention how cute her and Brandon are, they have the same aesthetic and just look so good together.

Two hours later and I'm ready to go. I got to In-n-our where Maggie was already waiting. I walk up to her while she was on her phone, she saw me and started smiling.

"Hi Chantel!"
She says hugging me.

"Hi maggs! How are you?"

"I'm all good. You?"

"I'm good, I'm good."
And with that we walk in, take our orders and sit outside in the beautiful weather.

"So, I see you and Nick getting closer."
She says smirking a little. I giggle.

"Yeah, I guess."

"How do you feel about him so far?"
She asks taking a bite of her hamburger.

"I like him, like, a lot. The thought of that scares me though, because I haven't liked someone this much in such a short amount of time. I really don't want to jump into things knowing how Nick plays with girls, I'm not sure he's used to sticking to one girl."
I say truthfully. She nods.

"I understand you completely. But to be fully honest with you, I wouldn't be scared if I was you. Before me and Brandon started dating I spent a lot of time with them. Nick always slept with a girl one or two days after meeting her and he always comes to us and says: 'Yeah, I'm never gonna find love.' We all laugh it of but deep inside we all started getting worried about it. Then one day, he met you and we all thought oh here comes Nick, he's gonna' talk about how he slept with you, by the way, Zion got really anxious about it."
Maggie says giggling which I did to.
She continues.
"He didn't say anything, the days kept going and every day, he was getting happier and his attitude was so different. He used to be very reserved, whenever someone came around he got pretty quiet but ever since you came into the picture he's a different person."
I felt the butterflies in my stomach after she told me all of that. It made me really happy knowing how he becomes a better person with the help of me. I was really happy hearing this.

I say quietly eating my fries with a smile on my face.

"Yeah. In my opinion you should realily go for it, I mean I know you haven't known him for very long but he seems crazy about you."

As long as you've got me                                             |Nick Mara|Where stories live. Discover now