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I keep walking to him. With the use of my gun I close his mouth.
"You have no Idea how much that turned me on."
He says. I chuckle. He looked deep into my eyes before looking at my lips. Ah, fuck it! I say to myself before leaning in and giving him a hell of a juicy kiss. As cheesy as it sounds, there was a spark, the butterflies corrupted in my stomach once again. The kiss broke and he smiled.
He yells. I laugh.
"Wow, That-That was better than I ever imagined it to be."

"Aww Nick, you fantasize about kissing me."
I say as a way to tease him.

"Oh Chantel, you have no idea what I fantasize about."
My eyes widen at his comment, I couldn't hold back the giggle escaping my lips.

"Well Nick, have you ever fantasized about getting all this money?"
I ask him pulling out the 70 000$ from my pocket. He takes the money with a shocked expression.

"How'd you manage to get so much."

"I'm just good at controlling people I guess."
I say as I run my thumb across his lips, he looked at me with hungry eyes. I give him a kiss, to his surprise I lick his lip tracing his lower lip with my tongue, then I lightly blew cool air onto it. I then started walking back to my car. Once I got seated I saw him still staring at me, not moving an inch from where we stood earlier. I drove away knowing he was literally going crazy.

Nick's POV

There's no way that just happened. I could still feel the goosebumps along my spine from when she licked and blew on my lip. It's like she's got me in a trance. All of that teasing drives me wild. She drove away, I chuckled to myself, I'm stuck with her forever. I get in the car and drive home.
"Guess who's 70 000$ richer and 10 times happier then he was before leaving the house?"
I say laughing. The guys looked at me confused.

"What the hell?"
Austin says walking up to me.
"Did you win the lottery or sum'?"
I chuckle.

"Nope, I was driving down the highway on my way home, and this guy crashed into me."
I say not wanting to tell more than I'm supposed to.

"Wow, and he gave you 70 000$?"
Brandon asks, I nod.

"I know, it's crazy."

"What happened to the car though?"
Edwin asks looking through the window.

"He only broke the tail light and made a dent."

"Damn boi you hustled the shit out of that guy."
Zion says standing up.

"Yo Z, I have to talk to you real quick."
I say, as I wanted to tell him what happened with me and Chantel. He followed me up to my room.

"What's up?"
I told him everything about how Chantel came, dragged him to his car, shot his tires, how we kissed and all that shit. Zion was looking at me surprised.

"Bro, the way she left me, I've never wanted a girl more than I have been wanting her."

"Damn, I'm warning you one last time, if that girl falls for you, there's no getting rid of her. That girl is mad loyal, so it'll probably be the two of you for a long time."
He says reassuring me. I nod.

"Zion I know, I'm well aware of that and I never though I'd say this, but for her, I'm ready to commit."

"Nick? Ready to settle down?? Never thought I'd hear that."
He says, I chuckle.
"Why don't you ask her out on a date?"

"Why haven't I though of that."
I say. Zion shrugs and dusts of his shoulder.

"What can I say, I'm professional."
He says. I took my eyes.

"Yeah, that's why you don't have a girl Z."
I say. He looks at me and pushes me.

"Shut up bitch."
He says before standing up and walking out of my room.

Chantel 🥵

Hi, Chantel.

Hi Nick.

What are you doing

Nothing I know of, why?

We're going on a date then.
Be ready at 7PM and wear
something casual, we're having
a party at our place again.

Okay then lol. See you at 7
I guess.

Read 8:18 PM

Chantel's POV
I told Alissa, Cindy and the rest of my roommates about Nick, they were happy to hear about it and they couldn't wait to meet him. I'm so glad he didn't push me away once he saw all of that gun and money shit.

Nick and I started getting more comfortable with each other, I mean we kissed today. He's really hot, like, really really hot and cute and he  respects me, treats me nicely, cares about me. There's not much more I could wish for in a guy. At the same time I can't act like I wasn't scared, scared that he'll leave me or that he'll change. I got snapped out of my thought by my phone ringing. Of course it was Zion, he called me on face time.

"Yes Zion?"
I say putting the phone against my bed frame.

"Okay, Ceejay, spill the tea."
He says in a girly voice. I laugh.

"What tea?"

"About you and Nick."

"What about us?"
I act dumb

"Oh my god, just tell me about the kiss."
He says getting straight to it, my eyes widen. I chuckle.

"I don't know what to say about it Z."

"Well he told me, he loved it and now I'm exposing my bro, but he told me something very interesting."
I nod for him to continue.

"Basically, there's a lot you still don't know about Nick but something you might or might not have figured out is that this guy doesn't settle for a girl, he's very special and he just doesn't date girls anymore, he just sleeps around with them and shit like that."
Great, that didn't scare me at all.
"But the reason why I'm telling you this is because there's a reason to why I would like you to date him and that's because when he got home, we talked about you and you won't believe what he said."

I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"He told me, that he was ready to fully settle down and commit to you."
My eyes widen at what he told me. Is Nick sure about that.

"You don't seem fully convinced."
He says reading my facial expression.

"Well, Zion I don't want him to fuck me over. He's really fun to be around and I-I like him a lot so I don't want to lose him...or have to break his arm."
I joke. Zion chuckles.

"Don't worry C, I told him not to mess with you, and that if he wants to be with you he has to stay with you and he told me he would never leave you."
I started getting all giggly and this made me whole lot happier. We talked a little more about it before I decided it was time to sleep.

As long as you've got me                                             |Nick Mara|Where stories live. Discover now