57 - A Love Like War

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"Hearts on fire tonight, feel my bones ignite. Feels like waaarrr, feels like waaarrr! Hearts on fire tonight, feel my bones ignite. Feels like waaarrrr, feels like waaarrr." ~ A Love Like War - All Time Low feat. Vic Fuentes

 The sun was warm, beaming down on the forest. The rain was beginning to fade away along with the moon, leaving a horrible after smell. Rochelle had just woken up in Jeff's warm but wet hoodie, her face dripping with sweat. She had no idea why she was so sweaty, but she knew it was nothing good. At first, she thought she was alone in the cabin, but then she heard BEN yell something, and then Eyeless Jack joined in. Jeff was led next to her, staring at the ceiling, for, of course, he could not sleep. 

 "Jeff.." Rochelle whispered, leaning towards Jeff. Jeff's eyes quickly darted to meet Rochelle's face, and he smirked. 

 "Yeah, Rocky?" Jeff replied, yawning. 

 "Where's my dad? Did he come back yet?" Rochelle asked, her smile slowly fading from her face. Her father wasn't back yet, was he? But I guess that's normal for him, right? 

 "No, but he'll be fine. He's Slender Man, right? He can do anything. Don't be worried." Jeff said, not sounding worried one tiny bit. Rochelle sighed. She was still worried for him though. Even though he may be a killer, it doesn't mean the killer can't be killed. 

 "I'm still worried though, Jeff." Rochelle replied, folding her arms. "When can we go home? And when can I take your hoodie off?" 

 "Don't take my hoodie off, you look cute and it'll keep you warm. And, I don't know when we're going home. Ask BEN or someone.." Jeff said, lying back down and putting his hands over his eyes. 

 "BEN! When are we going home?!" Rochelle yelled in the direction of BEN. BEN turned around with a shock and shook his head.

 "If I knew, I'd tell you Rocky." BEN said, sighing and turning back around to speak to Eyeless Jack and Sally. 

 "Does anyone know?!" Rochelle yelled again, frantically looking around the room for someone to say yes. No one answered and Rochelle groaned. "All I wanna do is go home!" 

 "We get the idea, Rocky. But we need to wait for Slendy to get back." Laughing Jack said, eating a sticky piece of candy he'd taken out of his pocket. God knows how old that is. 

 "Can we just go out and find him? I don't care, I wanna go home!!" Rochelle shouted, putting her head in her hands.

 "Wow, someone's on their period.." Jeff snickered, receiving laughs from everyone. 

 "Oh, yeah, so funny Jeff. Just now you said I looked cute, and then you say that! I'm laughing to much!" Rochelle said sarcastically.  She tried to stand up, but fell straight back down again. She knew her only way of getting out of this place was by someone carrying her.. She just couldn't do it. "I want to go home. I need to pee, and I want to have a proper bed to go to sleep in!" 

 "Okay, Rocky, calm down. We'll go home soon, I pr-" Eyeless Jack began to say but was cut off.

 "YOU promise? Huh, YOU? You'd probably promise me a lot of things, but that? You'd never keep that promise, none of you do! Promises are lies to you people!" Rochelle yelled, feeling the tears begin to form in the back of her eyes.

 "Rocky, if you keep talking, we're all gonna get mad... And you know what that does.." BEN tried to say nicely but came out sounding horrible. 

 "BEN, do I look like I care? All I want to do is go home.. OkAY? IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?" Rochelle yelled, tears streaming down her face.. "I'm sorry, I-I-I-I-"

 "Rocky, it's okay, we know how hard this is for you.." Jeff said, putting his arms around Rochelle.

 "No you don't.. I-I-I have to tell you something...." 

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