The Cursed House

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Me and Naru were enjoying a nice walk in the park when 3 girls crowded around us. I was shorter than them and they were a lot prettier than I was. "Hey handsome" one flirted and Naru squeezed my hand tightly. "Ow" I whined slightly and he relaxed. The 3 seemed to finally notice me and they stared in disgust. I rolled my eyes. "What are you lookin at?" I said to them as I put my hands on my hips. "Something ugly" said one with blond hair and the 3 giggled and high fived each other. I scoffed.

"Yeah right, I ain't no mirror"

I spat back and Naru covered his mouth to hide his laugh. They flushed and stomped away and I smiled proudly. He looked down at me and I shrugged. "I've already told you, if your a bitch to me, I'm gonna be a bitch back, and I can do it WAY better than you" he chuckled and continued with our walk. We walked into SPR where Lin awaited with a case for Naru. I sniffed the air and covered my nose. "Um Lin? by any chance did someone bring peanut butter in here?" he pointed to Ayiko who had a tray full of peanut butter cookies. "You want one?" she asked and I shook my head no. "What's wrong Em?" asked Naru as I continued to cover my nose. "I'm allergic to peanuts" I explained and Ayiko quickly put the cookies away. Naru read over the case and we were on our way to a house. I stepped out of the car and sensed an evil. We walked in and the family introduced themselves. A women smiled evilly at me and went to shake my hand. When she touched it my hand,

I passed out.

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