Evil Spirits All Over?!

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I wore an oversized sweatshirt the next day and I sat in base with my headphones plugged into my ears. I had my music on shuffle as I rested my head on my arms as I monitored the cameras.

'No movement because there's no fucking spirits here!'

I thought as Monk tried to talk to me. I grabbed my phone and turned the music up louder. He gave up and walked away. I sighed and let the music pound in my ears. Lyn stared at me and I gave him a glare. He looked back at the cameras but he took out one of my headphones. "What!?" I said aggravated and he gave me a sympathetic look. "Do you really believe there aren't spirits here?" he asked and I nodded. "I heard about your little chat with Karoda"

"How'd you find out?"

"After you ran off I went to find you. You don't believe what she said right?"

I didn't answer.

"Listen, I know we don't like each other but the things she said to you were awful. I'm truly sorry and just remember that none of its true"

"Thanks Lyn"

I said and gave him a small smile. Everyone came in and said Karoda had told them she was attacked. "She's gonna be attacked by me if she doesn't shut her trap" I mumbled and Lyn stifled a laugh. I put my headphones back in and stared back at the cameras. I felt both my headphones come out of my ears at the same time and I looked to see Naru holding them. I sighed and put my head down and closed my eyes. I started to text Dylan.

(Dylan=D Emmy=E)

E: yo bro

D: hey bae

E: wanna do something later?

D: sure what cha wanna do?

I looked up at Lyn and asked him, "Any good places you know for dinner?"

"Do you want fancy or casual?"


"There's a place near the SPR office called Wasabi"


E: wanna try this place called Wasabi?

D: sure

E: great! see you then

D: see you later bae. Bai

E: bai

I turned off my phone and Ayiko came up to me. "That's a great idea Lyn! we should go get dinner tonight! Emmy can pay" she said and I stood up. "Oh hell no! you can get dinner yourself cause I ain't paying for you!" she smiled and shot back, "I will! Dinners on me tonight! we're going to Wasabi with Emmy and her friend!" I groaned and flopped back into my seat as everyone agreed. Even Karoda.

Later that night I walked into Wasabi and found Dylan sitting in a booth. I walked over toward him and set down my small purse and sat across from him. "Hey girl!" he said as he handed me a glass full of soda. "Dr. Pepper. Your favorite" I smiled and took a sip from the soda. "So when will SPR be here?" he asked as he looked at the door. "Soon enough. Look I'm so sorry about that"

"Nah it's fine. I get to beat on your boyfriend now"




"Oh shut up"

I laughed and I saw Ayiko enter along with everyone else. "Emmy darling! for a second I thought you wouldn't come" she said as She sat next to Dylan. "Oh trust me, I thought about it" she pouted and Naru slid next to me but Karoda sat between us. Masako and Mai sat on my other side and John sat next to Ayiko and Monk and Lyn on the other side of Dylan. "So did you hear Justin Bieber was charged with another DUI?"

Said Dylan, completely ignoring the extra people. "Oh my god really?"

I replied, doing the same thing.

"Ya. You see I thought he was doin fine but he went all crazy"

"Totally. And I so feel for Miley Cyrus. I wonder what came over her"

"I don't know but I think puberty went in reverse for her"

I laughed and so did John and Mai. the waitress came and took their orders. I didn't get anything. I took a sip from my drink when Dylan handed me his phone. It was on a video and I'm pretty sure I knew what was gonna happen. "You need to watch this"

I pressed play and it started as a little tour of a house. "I swear if something pops out at me I'm go gonna kick you in your no no spot"

I said and I could tell all the boys shifted. I kept my eyes locked on the screen and, as expected, a creepy face popped out. I jumped and kicked him from under the table. He groaned in pain and I handed him his phone back. He gave me a glare and I stuck my tongue out at him. "So how long have you guys known each other?" asked Monk as he chuckled slightly. "Hmm about maybe 9 years?" said Dylan and I nodded in agreement. "So Kazuya" started Dylan and I groaned and put my head down on the table. "I see your interested in my Gorahm. And I'm going to let you know that if her friends don't like you, your screwed man" Naru looked at me and I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' he gave a small smile and I shot Dylan a glare. "Hey at least I'm not afraid of freakin Chucky cheese anamotronic characters!" he said and I blushed. "Dolls and anamotronic characters. Gosh Emmy when you get a real fear come talk to me" said Ayiko and I have a snotty remark. "At least I can get rid of a spirit" she scoffed and I smirked in victory. "I honestly don't see what Kazuya was thinking when he asked out Emelia. She's just such a child" said Karoda, causing everyone to stare at her. I suddenly became sad and Dylan started laughing. "It's funny cause it's true!" he said and laughed even harder. I started laughing as well and before I knew it, all of us were holding our stomachs in laughter. Except for Karoda.

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