Evil Spirits All Over?!

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I was walking to school with Mai carrying my things because I have to use crutches. We were talking when we entered our classroom. "Hey Mai, Hey Emmy!" said two of Mai's friends. "Hey! you want to tell ghost stories later?" said Mai and they giggled and nodded their heads yes. "Sure that sounds great!" "is that what you do everyday after school?" said a voice. I turned and saw a girl with pigtails in braids and glasses. "Oh hey Karoda" said one of the girls. "No wonder I've had this headache for so long. Whenever you tell one of your ghost stories it attracts low level spirits and they attract stronger spirits" she said angrily and I narrowed my eyes. "How do you know?" I asked, trying to stop myself from screaming at her that she's a fake. "I'm a psychic" she said and I was about to fire back when I was interrupted by the familiar voice of Naru. "Do you sense anything at the old school house?" he asked as he walked toward me. I sat in a desk and put my crutches on the side of the desk. The two girls boggled over him and he stood infront of me. "How's your ankle?" he asked and I smiled. "Never better" I said and he gave me small nod. He looked at Mai and me. "Meet us at the old school house" we nodded and he left. After school, me and Mai walked to the schoolhouse and Masako helped me stand when I put my crutches down. "Oh thank goodness your here" said Karoda as she walked out from behind the van. "You see, I'm a psychic and the spirits that haunt this place have been torturing me for-" I cut her off. "There are no spirits here" I said and I knew Masako agreed. There was nothing wrong except maybe the building was sinking or something. "Yes there are! and how would you know?! your not a psychic!" "hey! her and Masako are very talented in this kind of thing! your just doing it for attention" said Ayiko and Karoda gave her an evil glare. "You'll see" she said and turned and left. I scoffed and grabbed my crutches. "Where are you going?" Asked John. "I'm going to do a walk through. But there are no spirits here" I replied and started my journey around the old school.

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