Bloodstained Labriynth

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I was icing my neck when Masako came in. "Hey Masako" I greeted and she shunned me. "What's with the cold shoulder?" I asked. "I would prefer someone like you not call me by my first name" she said sassily and I blew my lid. "OK WHAT THE HELL?! AT LEAST IM NOT AFRAID TO ADMIT IM BIPOLAR BUT YOU CHANGE YOUR FREAKING MIND EVERY TWO MINUTES! SO IF YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY SAY IT NOW MASAKO!" she looked stunned and then looked down. "Why did Naru ask you to be his girlfriend?" I was stunned. If she was jealous she should have told me. "Masako" I sat next to her. "If you had a problem with it you should have told me. I always put friends before relationships" she looked up at me. "Really?"

"Totally. I had to. I am friends with boys" I said slightly laughing. She smiled and looked down. "I never knew you would do that"

"Masako, I really want to be friends. I really do"

I took a deep breath

"And I could break up with Naru if it meant we could be friends"

I said with as much confidence as I could. She looked at me wide eyed. "You would do that"

I nodded my head hesitantly. She hugged me. "Just the fact that you would say that makes me happy"

I chuckled and hugged her back. "But please don't get all kissy infront of me" she said and I nodded. "Deal" she laughed and stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going on a walk"

"Naru said we shouldn't be alone"

"Please I'll be fine I'm just going in the hall"

"Masako I really don't think it's a good idea"

"I'll be fine"

She left and I quickly went to follow her. She wasn't in the hall. "MASAKO!" I called in worry as I ran down the halls. 'No. No no no!' I thought as I ran. "MASAKO!"

"Emmy what's wrong?" asked Monk as I passed him. "Get everybody! Masako is missing! hurry go!" I said and he ran to base and I ran down the halls. "MASAKO!" I ran out side and changed into my Angel form. A short knee-length strapless pure white dress appeared on my body and my hair flowed behind me in beautiful curls. My pure white wings were elegantly attached to my back and a white ribbon crown sat on the top of my head. I gave my wings a powerful flap and pushed up. I flew around the house and spotted the cabin. Two men were walking out and I prayed that Masako was ok. I landed and ran into the house. I was still in my Angel form but I didn't have my wings. I panted as I appeared in the doorway. "I think I know where she is" "where?" asked Naru urgently. "That room! I saw two men walking out. Just like in our dream Mai" she grabbed my arms and said "Masako probably just wondered off" "no!" she stood back surprised. "I would know if she wondered off! i searched the entire damn house and she's not here! if you won't help then I'll do this myself" I said and ran toward the cabin. I burst through the door and up the stairs. Everyone followed me as I opened the green door. "Masako?" I asked urgently as I looked around the dark room. "Emmy" whispered a small voice that I knew belonged to Masako. I found her and ran up to her. "Thank god your ok!" I said and I heard a groan. I looked at the bathtub and a blood covered man emerged from it.

"I don't want to die"

I stood up protectively infront of Masako and my eyes flashed demon.

"I hate you! Leave me alone!"

I shouted as it started to get out of the blood filled tub. "Masako cover your ears!" I said "what?" "Cover your ears!" she finally did and I changed a demons curse. "Atiko Maykiyich Elsabado!" I pushed my hands toward him and a ball of all four elements shot toward him. He fell back and I grabbed Masako. "Run!" me and her ran until something grabbed me. Hands came out of the walls and held me still.

"I don't want to die"

"Run Masako!" I shouted and she ran down the hall toward the group. The man walked up to me and stared into my eyes.

"Any last words?"

He whispered. I was surprised he had said anything but what I've only heard him say, but I confidently stood my ground.

"By the power of God, I condemn you back to Hell!"

He shrieked and I watched as my 'little friends' came and dragged him into the ground. I was released and dropped to the ground. "Emmy!" called Naru as he ran up to me. I was laying in a pool of blood and was covered in it. I couldn't speak. I was just so tired. My energy felt drained and I could feel my eyes going heavy. Naru picked me up bridal style and walked back to the group. "Emmy!" shouted Masako and Mai as they ran up to me. "I'll b-be f-fine" I stuttered shakily, my voice hoarse. "Oh Enmy I'm so sorry!" said Masako as she looked like she would cry. "D-don't b-be. I shouldn't have l-let you leave" I thought as I felt myself go lightheaded. Voices and faces seemed to blur as I started to feel dizzy. Then,

It all went black.

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