The Doll House

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I sat in the back of a black van with Mai. She was talking about something random and I sat looking at her and occasionally nodding. "We're here" said Lyn as he parked the car. I nodded and climbed out of the car. Mai came out behind me and we started walking toward the house. Naru and Masako and Jahn came next. And then Ayiko and Monk. We walked up to the house. Naru openened the door. I walked in and immediately I wanted to leave.




I covered my ears and fell on my knees

'Who are these kids?! Why are they crying?!'

I thought and closed my eyes tightly. "Emmy!" I heard Mai and Monk say, but it was so hard to hear them over the wails of these innocent children. I grabbed Monks jacket and looked up at him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. The wails grew softer and softer until they finally stopped. I sighed in relief. Monk put my arm around his tall shoulder which made him half to bend down. I wanted to take my arm off so that he didn't have to. But when I did, I almost collapsed and he once again steadied me. I smiled in thanks and we walked to base. We got to base and he sat me down on a couch. I looked around and slowly stood up. A little girl came in and two women. She was holding a doll. I'm so scared of dolls. I smiled as she introduced herself and the doll. She held the dolls hand out for me and Mai to shake. Mai shook it with ease and turned to me. Just looking at the doll I could tell something was off. I put my hand over the dolls and the second my hand came in contact I could feel my eyes change into their demon form which looks cat-like and is a neon sparkly pink (think of Black Butler Sebastian Michealis's eyes when he turns demon and if you haven't watched Black Butler... WATCH IT! XD). Then, I blacked out.

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