Evil Spirits All Over?!

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After we paid for the dinner, me and Dylan decided to go to a late night movie. As I was walking out, Naru grabbed my hand. "Excuse me Dylan but I would like to speak with Emmy. You can go to a movie on another night" he said and Dylan shrugged. "Fine by me but Gorahm you pay for dinner next" I nodded and he walked away, lea inn me and Naru alone. "So what do you want to do?" I asked as he locked his hand with mine. "Let's go for a walk" I nodded and we started off down a sidewalk path. I looked up at the stars and smiled. He looked at me and smiled as well. He squeezed my hand and I looked at him. He seemed so perfect. How does he like me? I stared back up at the sky and turned toward Naru. "What?" he asked as he noticed me staring. "I wanna show you something" I said as I pulled him toward a small pond. I sat on the grass and he sat next to me. I waved my hand slightly and the water started to move. I soon had a small ball of water floating in the air and Naru was smiling from ear to ear. I swirled the water around in cyclones and it sparkled as the moonlight hit it. "That's amazing" said Naru as he stared at the sparkling water show. "What else can you do?" I smirked and turned the water into a small rain shower. It dumped down on Naru and I covered my mouth as I laughed. He shot me a look as he was drenched by the water. I waved my hand and the wind came and dried him off. "Thanks" he mumbled and I giggled. "Oh! I can do this too!" I said as I stood up. I slammed my foot into the ground and it shook and a piece of the earth soared into the air. It came falling down and I punched it. It broke into little pieces and Naru examined with wide eyes. "So what about fire?" he said as he stood next to me. I held out my hand and pointed my finger. I looked at Naru and gave him a look as if to say 'you control'. He grabbed my wrist and I let a line of fire shoot out of the tip of my finger. He started to spell letters in the grass and the fire burned the grass to show them. Once he finished, the fire stopped and I read what he had written. I blushed as I saw




He smirked and pulled me toward him. He pressed his lips to mine and my eyes widened. I relaxed and kissed back as thunder boomed in the background. He pulled away and smiled as I blushed. "Let's go before it starts raining" he said as we ran toward the small girls home as rain poured down on us. We laughed as we ran hand in hand. We said our goodbyes and he ran toward his house in the rain. I smiled and flopped on my bed.

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