Bloodstained Labriynth

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(Emmy's POV)

I woke up screaming until a hard hand came in contact with my cheek. I looked up and saw Masako looking at me in worry. My back, stomach and side hurt. I sat up quickly as I saw Mai crying on Ayiko and ran up to her. I sat on her bed and wrapped my arms around her. "Did you have the dream?" she asked shakily. I nodded and she looked at me. I felt flushed and sweaty and pain pierced my back and stomach, but I couldn't see why my arm hurt. I looked at it and saw my bound mark glowing slightly red. All demons have a mark that bounds them to Hell, mine is a Ouija, the little wood tear-drop shaped board that has a big clear circle in the middle that you put your fingers on. Under it are the words,

'This child shall spend an eternity in Hell'

I looked at the marks on my stomach and back and they were bleeding. I started to feel dizzy but ignored it as Mai shrieked in terror.

"It's fine, I'm f-fine"

I said shakily and the door opened as Monk, John and Yasu ran in.

"What happened?!"

Asked Monk urgently. "A dream actually more like a nightmare" said me and Mai at the same time. Naru and Lyn soon appeared and I went to my bag to find bandages. 'Only I need to know what happened with these words'

I thought as I patched up the bleeding words. Naru handed Mai a cup of tea and I sat next to her and helped her lift the cup, for her hands were shaking badly. She seemed very calm until she shrieked and looked at me.

"EMMY'S WORDS ARE BLEEDING!" she shouted as she looked for the blood. I smiled and rested my hand on her shoulder. "It's fine Mai don't worry about me"

"Show me"

Demanded Naru, causing us to look at him. "It's really not a big deal-" I started until Naru quickly cut me off.

"Show me"

I sighed in defeat and lifted my shirt and slowly undid the bandages. They were still bleeding and Naru examined them closely. He nodded at Lyn and grabbed my hand. "We need to clean them before they get infected" I nodded and Ayiko stood up ready to help me but Naru interrupted. "I'll help her" he said and led me out of the room and into a hall bathroom. He dosed a washcloth in warm water and pressed it gently to my skin. I shrieked and jumped slightly. He kissed my cheek and smiled reassuringly. "It will be over soon" he said and pressed it on my skin again. I shrieked and grabbed his shoulder to stop from running away from him. He quickly cleaned the blood and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry" he whispered and buried his head in my shoulder. "For what? it's not your fault. It's actually pretty common for a demon to be a great object for communication"

I said with a shrug and he grabbed my arms roughly. "Don't ever call yourself that!" he shouted and I flinched. "Why? It's what I am. I'm a demon. So what?"

"Your also an angel. Don't forget that" he said as he let go of me. I kissed him lightly on the lips and stared into his eyes. "I won't"

I said and we walked back to the room where Monk was soothing Mai back to sleep. I shooed them off and they closed the door as they left. It was just me awake and I was rubbing Mai's back soothingly. "It's gonna be ok Mai, I promise" I said as tears pooled in my eyes. I had said the same thing to my brother when he was sad. He was so nice and sweet and gentle. It was so hard to believe that he was bullied so much. He is long gone but I still miss him so very much. He didn't just die of an illness.

He committed suicide.

I shook my head as the memory of his death flashed through my mind. I stood up and went to my bed and fell peacefully back to sleep.

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