The Doll House

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We watched the cameras and I looked at Mai. She smirked and made wierd faces. I smiled and was so close to giggling, when Naru stood up urgently. I looked at the camera. Minni was now face down on the bed. "She was just sitting a minute ago" said Mai as she stared intently at the screen. Minni started to move like she was being dragged toward the end of the bed. She stop and then her head turned and came off. It rolled off the bed and straight toward the camera. It hit the camera and her face was right at the camera. I then did something I usually can't do.

I screamed.

(Naru's POV)

I watched as the doll's head hit the camera at a perfect time making her face be seen. I then heard scream from .... Emmy! Her scream was a very girly scream that was high pitched but in some strange way it was a .... beautiful scream. Her voice was so pretty even though she was screaming. She stopped and had a shocked expression. Monk put his arms around her and I felt a surge of jealousy burst through me. I quickly looked back to the camera. 'Snap out of it Shibuya!' I screamed to myself

(Emmy's POV)

Monk put his arms around me in a supporting way and I sat shocked. "Where did that come from?" Asked Monk with a shocked face as well. I shrugged. Maybe the more people that know, the easier it is to talk. I quickly ran to the room Minni was in with everyone following me. I bursted in and stared in horror. Minni was perfectly fine and was sitting like she was when we first set her there. Everyone saw and gasped. The crying started again. I fell on my knees and covered my ears.


They kept screaming. "Emmy!" Said Naru and Mai as they both were at my sides. I could feel my eyes changing from angel to demon to normal. Mai and Naru helped me up and I quickly got lightheaded. Masako pushed them both away. "Stop! She needs air! we need to get her out!" said Masako as she helped me stand. I started to run down the hall when something grabbed my ankle. It pulled violently and I fell face first. I was being dragged when. I grabbed onto a China Case. It pulled and pulled but I held on tightly. It finally gave up but my ankle hurt really bad. "Emmy!" Shouted Monk and Mai as they ran up to me. I sobbed quietly at the pain in my foot. "Your ankles dislocated!" Said Monk as he picked me up and carried me to a room. He started to help my ankle. Everyone came in and gasped as I winced in pain as Monk touched my ankle. "We have to push her ankle back in place" he said and I knew how painful it would be. Masako grabbed my hand and smiled. A tiny smile appeared on my face and I looked at my ankle. It was really dislocated and it had a ...... handprint on it! I gasped and Masako covered my eyes. "You don't need to see this" she said and I felt a hand in my other hand. I looked up to see Naru. He nodded at Masako. Masako nodded back and covered my eyes again. "On three Monk will push your ankle back ok?" Said Masako gently but I could hear the jealousy in her voice. I nodded. "1, 2, 3!" She counted and I felt a red hot pain and then it all went black.

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