Mall Trip

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I was watching the cameras with Lyn when Mai bursted in. "Emmy! Guess what? They have a mall nearby! wanna go with me Ayiko and Masako?" I nodded and grabbed the money from my suitcase. Ayiko drove us to the mall. We got out and I immediately went to Hot Topic. Masako went with Ayiko and Mai eventually found me. "I like this" I said to her as I held up a shirt that said



Mai giggled and I put it over my arm to buy. I got two more shirts,one that was a Ouija board and the other said


In pink letters with a band member on it. We left Hot Topic and went to Wet Seal. I got a few pairs of jeans and shorts. Me and Mai also got two shirts that say MY BFF and they have little arrows on them. We left and met up with Masako and Ayiko. "Well it seems you didn't wast anytime on shopping" said Masako and I grabbed her arm and linked it with mine. "Come on! I'm taking you around this mall and your going to go home with bags le go!" I said and walked with her into Wet Seal. "Hey this would be cute" I said as I held up a black skirt. "That's very short" she said nervously. I laughed. "You haven't seen our uniforms have you"

"I have"

"I didn't mean Mai's school uniform. I meant my dance uniform"

"What was so bad about it?"

"Let's just say it was a mini skirt and tank top"

She blushed and I laughed. We left Wet Seal and Masako did get a few things. We headed back to the house and we all giggled when we entered. "Hey Emmy?" Said Masako "Ya?"

"I was wondering if I could see a video of your dancing?"

"Totally, come on I'll pull it up on my phone"

She sat next to me and I pulled up Emmy Gorahm Dancing. A lot of videos popped up and I let Masako choose which one. "Hmm this one seems interesting" she said and pressed on Women Be Wise.

(If you want to see this dance look up Dance Precisions Women Be Wise) and pressed play. She watched and soon everybody else was too. Naru, John, and Monk blushed and I giggled. "Well that was interesting" said Masako and she handed me back my phone. "I'm just glad you didn't choose Run The World" I said and she gave a confused look. "I'm gonna go put my phone away" I said and started walking toward my room. My eyes flashed to Angel and I felt a presence. I turned around but no one was there. Someone grabbed me from behind and I immediately reacted. I kicked my foot into the attackers legs and quickly turned around and kicked him down. He wrapped his hands around my neck and I was quickly losing air. I grabbed a vase on a nearby table and smashed it into his head. He fell and I ran down the hallway. I was about to turn a corner when I looked back at him. He was gone. I ran to base and panted. "Woah Em your neck!" said Monk as he pointed to handprints on my neck. Naru walked up and started to examine the marks. "What happened?!" asked John urgently.

"I don't know"

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