The After School Hexer

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I was sitting in base with an icepack on my ankle when Naru passed out. I jumped up and went to his side when something grabbed me. 'Shit!' I thought as several hands grabbed me and started pulling me into the ground. "Emmy shouted Mai and Masako as they grabbed me and started to try and pull me back up. "Let go!" I shouted as I was dragged deeper. "What's happening?!" said John as he looked concerned. "I'm being dragged into Hell! I'll be fine just let go!" they nodded and let go and I was dragged right into the home of Satan. He sat infront of me all proud and mighty. "You have broken your deal" he boomed and I smirked. 'Your about to have your mind blown' I thought and put my hands on my hips.

(Naru's POV)

I sat in my hospital bed reading over my notes when John and Masako came running in. "Is everything alright?" I asked as I kept looking over my notes. "Naru your ok!" said Masako as she smiled and I nodded and John had a serious face. "Well when you first collapsed, Emmy went and ran by your side" he said and I smirked. "But as she was trying to help you, hands came out of the ground and started pulling her into the ground" my smirk faded and was replaced with worry. "She said she was being dragged into Hell and that she would be fine but we haven't seen her in a few hours" I felt like crying but didn't let it show. "Lyn, call everyone and tell them to be here" I said but was still in shock from what I just heard about Emmy.

(Emmy's POV)

"You see, I'm a demon and it's my job to make deals" I started explaining and he listened with a blank face. "But the only way a deal is made is when I sign a contract, and last time I checked, we never made a contract" I said raising my eyebrow and he coughed "well that's true but-" I cut him off. "So I really never made a deal. And don't forget your number one rule" I said and he rolled his eyes. "And what might that be?"

"Never trust a Demon"

His eyes widened and he gave a low growl. "Fine. Go back to your life. But don't expect to have a free ride to heaven" he said and I nodded. I bowed and said "thank you sir" he nodded and sent me back to base. I looked around and saw no one there. I ran toward the hospital as fast as I could. "Mr. Shibuya" I said to the lady at the front desk. "Room 503" I nodded and took off down the long hallway.

(Naru's POV)

I had just finished my little chat with Ms. Abusina and held the small doll with my name on it in my hand. I heard a knock on the door and John opened it. In came Emmy and she was breathing heavy. "Emmy!" said Mai, Masako, and Kozi and they hugged her. She soon was standing on one leg because of her ankle. "Emmy" I said and she looked at me and smiled brightly. She limped over to me and gave me a hug. "Here sit" I said and moved over slightly so she could sit and give her ankle a break. "I'll get a doctor to see your ankle" said Lyn and he left the room to get a doctor.

(Emmy's POV)

I sat on the edge of Naru's hospital bed. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "Thank god your ok" I said and I looked at the doll in his hand. "I knew it wasn't Kozi" I said as I glared at that teacher. "How are you so good at bending spoons?!" she asked angrily and I chuckled and put a finger to my lips. "That's my secret" she rolled her eyes and a doctor came in and checked out my ankle. "Let's take you to get x-Rays and put you in a boot" he said and helped me walk to the x-Ray room.

We were back at SPR and I sat next to Naru. "Can you really bend spoons?" asked John excitedly and I nodded. I grabbed a spoon and did the same thing I had done the other two times. "My god!" said John in amazement as they all stared with there mouths open. I smirked and Mai laughed. I Masako jumped up and grabbed my hands, pulling me up out of my seat. "You gotta teach me that!" she said excitedly and everyone laughed, including Lyn and Naru.

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