The Date

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I woke up the next morning and changed into a Blue strapless top the had a bow over the front and a pair of white sailor shorts with blue knee high socks and white converse. I let my hair down and it reached a little passed my butt and was in its natural crimped waves. I grabbed my phone and walked to SPR. I walked in and was greeted by Mai. "Hey! Naru wants you to see him real fast" I nodded and knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard and walked in. I closed the door behind me and walked up to his desk. "Hello Emelia" he said in a teasing tone. "Are you doing anything tonight?" I shook my head no. "Good. Then tonight we can see a movie" I smiled now that knew what he was talking about. I signed, 'what movie?' he thought for a moment then spoke. "What about that new horror movie? I think it's called The Conjuring?" I nodded in excitement. I've wanted to see that movie for forever but no one would go with me. He nodded. "We will leave tonight after the work day" I nodded and turned to leave. But I then heard his deep voice in my ear whisper, "I know your secret" I whipped around and covered his mouth. I put my fave close to his and gave hi. My puppy dog eyes. He blushed slightly then gently took my hang off his mouth. He smirked and shooed me out of his office. I was jumpy and nervous the entire day, terrified he would tell someone. Finally the day came to an end and me and Naru were in our way to the movie theater. He held my hand in his and I blushed as girls squealed when we walked by. We say in the theater still hand in hand as the movie started. We chuckled and giggled as people screamed and jumped. We see things scarier than this all the time. Then, the doll came up and I buried my head in Naru's shoulder. He chuckled and I playfully punched his arm. "It's not my fault you scared of dolls" he whispered and I glared at him. He chuckled again and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I blushed and turned back toward the movie. After the movie ended, we walked toward the girls' home. He smirked and said, "so about today, I think you need me to stay quiet. Am I right?" my eyes widened and I nodded. "Well then you need to do something for me" he smirked. I signed 'anything. As long as you don't say a word'


I was hesitant but I nodded furiously. He pushed me against the stone wall and put his face close to mine.

"Be my girlfriend"

My eyes widened and I'm pretty sure my face looked like a tomato. He smirked. "Well?" I nodded and he smiled. "Good. See you tomorrow Emmy" he said and kissed my cheek again. He turned to leave but I grabbed his arm and he looked back at me. "Yes?" I gave him a serious look and a slight glare and with as much energy as I could,

I spoke.

"If you say even one word about my secret, I will drag you into hell with me"

My voice was hoarse but still came out powerful and calm. With that, I turned around, flipped my hair over my shoulder and went inside.

(Naru's POV)

Her voice was so hoarse and scratchy but it was also so beautiful. It was high-pitched and very girly. Her look penetrated through me and I gulped slightly. I had no doubt that she would actually drag me into hell. She let go of me and walked into the home. I stood there shocked. I like her a lot. And she is finally my girlfriend! I smiled and started my walk home. I mean, I did kinda force her into it but I know she likes me so it's ok. Right?

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