Forbidden Pastime

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I woke up in my normal form on the couch back at base. Naru walked in and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and sat up as everyone walked in. Mai looked angry at Naru and they explained to me what they were doing. "So, innocent people will die?" I questioned, agreeing with Mai that it wasn't right. No one answered and I stood up angrily. "Isn't there another way?! there has to be something else we can do right!?" I said as Mai stood by me. "Look I'm sorry but it has to be done" said Naru as he turned toward Lyn. "But there has to be another way!" I said back. Naru shot me a glare and I quickly shrunk back and sat on the couch. "Maybe Naru is right Mai" I said, completely unhappy, but I had to keep my secret. He smiled and I stared at my lap. "What?! You can't be serious Emmy!?" said Mai as she ranted. I sat with my head down. Mai ran out of the room and Monk, Yasu, and Ayiko followed her. Naru continued working and Masako sat next to me. "So what was your life like in America?" she asked. I stared at her in disbelief but she looked determined to start a conversation.

"It was great. I had a lot of friends and hobbies"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes I had a twin brother. But he passed away a few years ago"

"Was he powerful like you?"

"No he was completely normal"

"Did you have a boyfriend?"

Naru looked up at this and I could tell he was focused.

"Oh no but there was this one time that James had told me he had a crush on me. But that was so many years ago"

"So what were your hobbies?"

Naru continued to listen.

"I was a cheerleader"

"You mean with Pom poms?"

"No it was more like gymnastics. But I loved the uniforms. They were half tops and short skirts"

Naru blushed slightly and returned to his position of watching the footage with Lyn. Me and Masako giggled and continued to talk. We heard a loud bang and I went to go look for the source. Oh no. It's that dog. And it's bigger! It went after Naru and I jumped infront of it. "umm ya, HELL TO THE NO!!" I shouted and used my wind control to blow it back. I used the nine cuts and the dog vanished.

'What the hell is wrong with this school?'

I thought.

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