Evil Spirits All Over?!

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Naru shoved me playfully as I pressed a random key on his laptop. We were inside the school house looking over footage and I thought of one thing. Food. My stomach rumbled and I rested my head on Naru's shoulder. He chuckled and kissed my head and I giggled. I sat up as everyone entered. I yawned and Naru laughed. "Hey!Unless your laughing Donuts into my hand keep yo mouth shut!" I said and he laughed harder. Ayiko giggled and handed me a bag. I looked inside and saw a croissant. I jumped up and hugged her and she laughed. I sat down and began to eat as Naru pulled up out explanation. He explained and Ayiko said, "Wow Naru that's amazing"

"Actually, Emmy found this out"

They stared at me in a amazement as I ate the croissant. I smirked and flashed my Demon eyes. They backed away slightly as Naru started to explain a little bit more. I laughed and finished the croissant.

The next day I walked into class. Two of Mai's friends came up to me. "Is it true that you were attacked at the old school house?!" they asked and I shook my head no. "No. There were no spirits there. Where did you hear that?"

"From Karoda. She's been bragging about it all morning. She also said that your eyes can change color"

She pointed to Karoda who was bragging to a bunch of students. I narrowed my eyes and pushed past the two girls and toward Karoda.

"And then, Kazuya asked me to be his girlfriend!" I heard her say and I crossed my arms.

"Really? then what happened?"

She turned around and her face paled.

"Now I'm going to tell these people everything that's wrong with that sentence. Kazuya is MY boyfriend"

She grumbled and the people behind her started to laugh. She became sad and I felt for her. I took a deep breath and did something I pray Naru would forgive me for.

"Thanks Karoda for letting me join you in the schoolhouse. I'm sorry my jealousy got the best of me. It's not my fault that Kazuya likes you" she looked up and I winked at her. 'Thank you' she mouthed and I nodded. I walked back to the girls and I said "it's all thanks to Karoda that the house is now not haunted". They gasped and I told Mai that we should give Karoda a bit of fame. She agreed so neither of us said a word about what really happened.

Me and Mai walked toward SPR. I opened the door and we were greeted by the whole gang. I smiled as I thought of how much of a family I have when I'm around them. I smiled as Ayiko laughed with Mai and everyone talked. I looked at my necklace and smiled. 'I love these guys' I thought as I glanced at the group.

(A/n I just wanted to say how happy I am that you are reading MUTE! Thank you so much and I love every single one of you! Comment and let me know how you feel! THANK YOU ALL!)

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