The Doll House

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I opened my eyes to see John sitting next to me. He smiled at me. "Your finally awake! Mai she's awake!" He called and I looked at my ankle. It was bandaged up and had an ice pack on it. Oh! I almost forgot. I tapped John's shoulder and he looked at me.

'I forgot to tell you that I'm a wolf demon'

I signed.

"What's that?"

He asked.

'It means that I have the power of a demon hound'

He nodded and Mai and Ayiko came in. They both smiled brightly and hugged me, squeezing me in the middle making us like a sandwich. They let go and in came Monk, Naru, Masako and Lyn. I smiled at them and they smiled back. Except for Naru and Lyn of course. I suddenly felt a chill go through my body. I froze. "Are you alright?" Asked Masako. I couldn't answer. Something was calling to me. A women. She kept calling to me. I stood up and slowly started to limp toward her voice. "Emmy!" Said Mai as she helped me walk. I ended up in some sort of living room. I saw a small well in the corner. That's where the voice was coming from. I let go of Mai and walked up to it. I looked down and my eyes widened. What I saw made my heart race with excitement. My parents were standing at the bottom. They looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. They both were in their true forms. My dad was had his black wings out and he had his horns poking out of his head. He had on his black jeans and polo shirt that had some rips in them. I remembered him telling me that his horns were so strong that they could break through steel. He said mine would be too but my horns still haven't grown to there full size. My mom had on her beautiful white dress and her white wings were out as well. I smiled.

'Mom. Dad'

I thought.

Masako came up behind me. She looked down the well and gasped. "I'm sorry Emelia" she said and called to Monk. He started doing some strange protection spell thingy. I looked again and saw them disappearing. They weren't real. I geared up and Masako hugged me. "I'm sorry Em but I couldn't let you fall down the well" she whispered as I started sobbing.

'Why couldn't it be real!?' I thought angrily as I pushed away from Masako. I walked back to base and watched the cameras with Lyn. He turned toward me and scoffed. I glared. I put my hand up in a 'What the hell' motion. He turned back and I rolled my eyes. I sat on the couch when something sparked my demon side. My eyes flashed to their demon state and I got up and ran. The feeling got stronger and stronger until I was looking at Monk who was doing an exorcism. His eyes where closed and a figure came up from behind him and, since his eyes were closed, I did the first thing I could think of. I made a fire in the palm of my hand and threw it at the dark figure. It retreated and Monk continued. It started to fade and then, a bright gold light showed from it. I wondered why and I saw Naru who had thrown something at it. The spirit floated up until all the spirits were cleansed. I felt the house become less tense and have much more of a lighter feel. "The spirit has been cleansed" said Masako as she appeared at the door next to Naru. I nodded in agreement. "Let's get going" said Naru as he turned away.

Wait. How long has Naru been standing there? does he know?

I thought as we finished packing. I got back in the car and we drove back to SPR. I smiled a goodbye as I walked to the small girls home I live at. "Emelia!" Said the owner. 'Yes?' I signed. "There are people here to see you" she said and pointed to the waiting room. I smiled when I saw them. They were in their basketball shorts and Nike shirts. My best friends.

Dylan. James. Gavin.

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