T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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• T H E  B A B Y S I T T E R •

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• T H E B A B Y S I T T E R •

Dowoon looked at the time on his phone before letting out a heavy sigh. It was 9:18 and he had already put Eunwoon to bed for the night, leaving himself alone. He was pondering on the choice to call Wonpil or not, due to the time, but couldn't bring himself to make a choice.

"Maybe he's asleep..I could end up waking him up and I'd feel terrible.." he mumbled to himself as he stared at the boy's contact.

"But I should probably tell him about the whole situation. Or maybe it could wait until the morning—" the boy said before being cut off by his phones ringtone. Dowoon's here began to beat out of his chest from shock as soon as he realized who it was. After calming down a bit, he quickly answered before the ring went out.

"H-Hello? Wonpil?"

"Hey Dowoonie! Did I disturb you?? I'm sorry if I did." Wonpil said apologetically.

"No, you didn't, don't worry. I was actually going to call you." Dowoon admitted shyly.

"Ah, cool cool. Listen, about what I said the other day..I shouldn't let her get in the way of me caring for Eunwoon and such."


"I'll do whatever it takes!! I also feel terrible for leaving Eunwoon like that too. I just left him in the dark like that and it was horrible of me to do."

"Wonpil..you don't have to worry about that, ok?" Dowoon said. "She's gone now. It's ok, alright?"

"S-She's gone? So sudden?"

"Yeah, I made her leave earlier. Everything is ok now." He reassured.

"You made her leave? I'm sorry that you had to go out of your way to do that."

"Stop apologizing, it's not your fault. I realized the type of person she really was today. It's not ok for her to be around anyway. She brings too much toxic energy.."


"Hey, don't worry too much about it, ok? I just want you smiling." Dowoon said, earning a giggle from the other end, making a bright smile appear. "So what're you up to?"

"So what're you up to?" Wonpil said in a mocking tone, which was followed up by another giggle. "We're like high schoolers. But if your truly want to know, I'm making cookies!!"

"Cookies? So late??"

"Yes~~! I'm making them for Eunnie and you. You said you both like sugar cookies so that's exactly what I'm making."

"You went out of your way to do that for us? You're most likely tired, aren't you."

"A bit. Plus, it's like what you said . I just want you smiling." Wonpil softly spoke. "You must be tired too, correct?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing too much. Talking to you is already making me feel energized."

"You're so cheesy! I love it. But you should get some sleep Dowoonie. I don't want to keep you up too long." Wonpil suggested.

"I'll say the same thing for you. Get some rest as well, and maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course you will silly! Let's do something fun together tomorrow!! Something all three of us will enjoy."

"Sounds good to me. I'll let you get some rest now, goodnight!"

"Night woonie." And with that, Dowoon hung up and let out a sigh of content as he began to think of what they could all do for the upcoming day.

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