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• T H E  B A B Y S I T T E R •

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• T H E  B A B Y S I T T E R •

"What?!" Eunji yelled, making Dowoon let out a deep sigh before continuing.

"You have to leave Eunji." He said.

"Why in the world do I have to leave Dowoon? Was it the pancake incident? I swear, I didn't know—"

"No Eunji! It wasn't the 'pancake incident'! I know what you did to Wonpil." Hearing this, her eyes went wide, fear beginning to just settle in.

"I-I didn't do anything to him. What do you mean?"

"Eunji, why are you playing dumb with me?? He told me what you did—"

"And you believed him?! Wow, he really has you under some type of spell huh." Eunji yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"You chose some fucking sissy over your own family!! Dowoon open your eyes!!"

"First of all, never fucking talk about him like that, ever! And I have opened my eyes. It helped me see the type of person you are." Eunji scoffed before rolling her eyes at the boy.

"What type of person am I, exactly??" She questioned.

"Eunji, you aren't family at all. Let me be honest with you. You didn't show up to Eunmi and I's wedding, you weren't even here when Eunwoon was born, you barely even visit or call. What kind of fucking aunt are you??"

"But I'm here now—"

"Yeah, you're here now. But what difference would it make? All you did was cause problems. I even heard what you did to Eunwoon! Your own nephew!! Eunji, you have to go."

"Oh, but you assume you're any good with Eunwoon? Tell me, letting him hang around with this—"

"Yes it is good for him. Fuck, Eunwoon loves Wonpil. And I love him too..Eunwoon looks up to Wonpil like his mother. Their bond is crazy, and that's something you can't ever take away from a child."

"Can't you see that you're making a mistake?!" Eunji complained. Dowoon scoffed before giving off a slight smirk before speaking again.

"Yeah, that's why I'm fixing it by making you leave. I don't want you staying here and that's final."

"Fine. But you'll regret it."

"No, I won't." Dowoon finally said. Eunji sent a death glare before getting her things and leaving the home, causing Dowoon to let out a sigh of relief.


"Eunnie? Hey sweetheart."

"Where you and Auntie f-fighting?" The small boy quietly asked as he walked over to his father.

"No sunshine. Don't worry about it, ok? Let's go do something together, yeah?" Dowoon asked.

"Yeah!! M-Monopoly."

"Oh gosh."

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