T W E N T Y - O N E

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• T H E  B A B Y S I T T E R •

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• T H E B A B Y S I T T E R •

The light of the glowing moon in the silky black sky illuminated the beach as they were on their walk down the shore. The smell of sea water and the feeling of the sand under them, accompanied by the subtle night breeze brought a serene feeling to the boys. Wonpil began to swing their linked hands gently back in forth, happiness swallowing him in an instant.

"I haven't done this in forever." Wonpil said, excitement evident in his tone.

"I haven't done this at all." Dowoon added in. "Me and Eunwoon usually go in the day, but this is nice. I just feel at ease at this time of day." He admitted.

"It gets pretty crowded in the day, and you actually miss out on a lot of stuff you won't hear or see at night." Dowoon stopped and gave the boy a confused glance.

"Miss what?" He questioned.

"In the day, there are so many people so you can't hear much. Take the ocean for example! The calming sound of the waves overlapping each other makes me feel at ease. The moon is being reflected off of the sea and it's absolutely beautiful." Wonpil beamed, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight as if jewels were placed in them.

"Everything is just so beautiful to me Dowoon. It's moments like these that I treasure the most." The boy said as he turned to look at Dowoon, who had a big smile on his lips.

"I think moments like these are beautiful too. That's why, we should make more of them." Dowoon added. Right then and there, their eyes locked and their hearts began to beat faster and faster with every second that passed. They inched closer and closer until they were just centimeters apart. Only their soft breathes could be heard between them as they kept their gaze in each other. Wonpil brought his hand up to Dowoon's cheek and let out a smirk.

"Tag, you're it." Wonpil whispered before taking off down the sandy shore. Without a second thought, Dowoon took off and went after the boy, the salty sea air hitting him in the face. The sound of Wonpil's laughter filled the air making Dowoon's heart skip a beat. An idea came to Dowoon as he continued his chase and he decided to put it to action.

Wonpil slowed his pace down and looked behind him and saw that Dowoon was no longer there. The brunette stopped in his tracks and furrowed his eyebrows as he wondered where the boy could have gone. Before he could call out Dowoon's name, a felt a pair of arms snake their way around his waist, scaring the wits out of him.

"Caught ya~." Dowoon sang, causing Wonpil to erupt in laughter having Dowoon copy his actions. It wasn't long until their laughter was the only thing to be heard around the beach.

✧༺ ☆༻∞  ∞༺ ☆༻✧

Dowoon unlocked the door to his home and walked in quickly, locking the door behind him. A bright smile still kept its place on his lips as he walked in searching for his son. He entered the living room and was hit with the sight of Sungjin fast asleep and Eunwoon focused on one of his favorite shows.

"I see the babysitter is knocked out." Dowoon said, causing Eunwoon to snap out of his daze and rub after him. Dowoon crouched down and held out his arms and engulfed his son into a big hug.

"I thought you'd be asleep by now Eunnie. I guess Sungjin beat you to it, hm?" Dowoon asked, earning a big nod from Eunwoon.

"Appa, did you and Pili hyung have fun?" The small boy questioned, earning a big nod from his father.

"It was the best night I've ever had." Dowoon responded. "We went out to eat and then we went to the beach."

"Th-The beach? At night? Why would you do that Appa?" Eunwoon questioned, the thought of going to the beach of night was foreign to him.

"I think it's really fun at night. Maybe you, me, and Pili can go to the beach sometime soon, hm?" Dowoon suggested.

"Yes!! I'll build you a castle!" The small child exclaimed, causing Dowoon to chuckle and Sungjin to wake up from his sleep.

"Oh, you're home already?" Sungjin asked as he rises up from the sofa and headed towards the two.

"Sungjin hyung, it's 11:57. It's pretty late, don't you think?" Dowoon asked, earning a groan from Sungjin.

"Seems like you had a great night. Tell me the details tomorrow?"

"Totally. Have a good night Hyung." Dowoon said.

"You too Dowoon. Sweet dreams Eunnie! See you sometime soon, alright?"

"Alrighty! Bye Samchon!!" Eunwoon responded as he waved the older off. Dowoon waved the boy goodbye as he finally exited.

"I think it's bed time, yeah?"

"Why?" Eunwoon questioned as Dowoon scooped him up.

"It's late. We'll talk in the morning, alright?" Dowoon spoke as he entered the child's room and placed him in the bed, tucking him in.

"Alrighty. Night appa!"

"Goodnight Eunnie."

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