The Cafe

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hey so heres the next chapter

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Elieys p.o.v

I parked the car outside a pretty little café. It had a huge glass as a wall at the entrance. The rest of the place looked like a coffee house from the inside.

It wasn’t empty as I thought it would be, even though it was 1 in the night. I quickly found an empty seat with a computer kept on and put my purse under my chair and started to explore the device.

My hands shivered a little maybe because I was feeling a little cold and I shoved some of my falling hair behind my ears and sucked the dry lump of my salvia stuck down in my throat. I slowly let go of my firm fingers and let them float over the keyboard unconsciously.

I clicked the browser open and typed in

The internet was slow but I could wait.

While the page loaded I looked around at the people sitting beside me. Some were almost sticking their heads into their screens while others scratched there zips in an irritated manner as they stared at their computers like crazy baboons.

“Men” I sighed rolling my eyes and turned to my screen and the page had finally come.

I typed in, Ability to see images unconnected to one self after touching another person intentionally.

It was really long but I was sure google had something in store for me. I waited once again for the page to load and once it did I saw so many responses from people all over the world. They had written blogs about few images they saw in the present presenting the future. A lot of ipod stuff came up with touch screens so I decided to change the search title.

I rather typed, seeing the future before it happens.

Once the page was loaded I saw a site specially made for these cases. As the site was buffering I saw a familiar name, Pscideam……

I immediately explored the site once it had opened.

It said there was an entire cult of these kinds of people. They can see the future with their dreams, with a single touch and they can even tap into your heads for communication without talking or orally communicating.

It was really freaky. I remembered the time I had dreamt of the entire situation that had happened with Scott in his room before when I was sleeping next to James in the car.

I thought of how when Scott spoke rubbish and held my hand in the middle of the street earlier this day and then he started to apologize as if he passed me down some images from his mind of the future… a little boy.. the child was a boy! Who ran cold in the woods. What could it be?!

I knew something was different about Scott and most importantly me.

I searched further and found out. “Humans have the ability to move objects with minds” as a subject of discussion.

Some blogger named iamspecial123 wrote;

It’s true. I can move things with my mind. It started once I turned 18 and the most important things of my life started to reflect back to me. It’s a very special ability and I’m sure many people in the world have it but its super rare. My grandmother told me there are kings and queen hidden with these secrets still in this world and that we are just a part of the cycle that keep genetically developing among teenagers. It’s said you can do much more that move stuff with your mind. You can move your body; throw objects, dream of the future…

Some people have it more specific. Some can see the future when they want too and control it and save their lives while some can only move objects with their minds and nothing more. It is genetic and it is REAL. Peace out.

“Excuse me miss” A hard voice called out next to me.

I tore my eyes away from the screen and looked up to see a huge man standing beside me.

He had piercings all over his face and looked like a rough biker with a long beard and a bad temper if fidgeted with.

“Yes?” I gulped.

“You should leave. Its late and not safe at this time in the night” he politely told me.

“Alright, how much?” I asked presuming he was the manager of this place.

“Oh no I’m not an employee here, he is” He pointed out at a sleekly looking man at the front desk.

“Oh” I sighed and got up from my seat pulling my purse from under the seat.

I really didn’t want to leave but I started to observe all the men in the café there, had their eyes on me. They smiled with their rotten teeth and stared right through my clothes as if they could see everything underneath.

“Ain’t she a pretty little girl” Someone whispered.

“What?” I looked around who said that but no one had.

“I’d love to take her home, bet she’s a virgin prostitute” another whisper.

What? Who was saying this? I was decently dressed.

“I’d love to fuck her”

This time I swear I felt like I was reading everyone’s mind in the room since none of them looked like they would dare read their thoughts out. It was getting scarier.

I was afraid if I made a move some men would follow me out.

“So miss what are you going to do?” the bearded man asked as he was standing very close to me.

I gasped and took in a deep breath and tried looking at the possible way I could exit and then I suddenly saw Scott! I saw him walk past the café I was stuck in as he didn’t even realize the situation inside and then he walked ahead out of my sight.

“Nothing. Here’s 10$ thank you for your services” I spat out and found my way around him and made a run for the door.

I heard a few chairs drag behind as a few men got up to follow me but I didn’t turn around. I just ran out of the horrible place and rushed to Scott who was so lost in his own world.

“SCOTT!” I shouted and before he could turn I ran into his arms.

“Eliey?” he asked.

“Ye- yea” I was breathless.

I turned around to see the men go back into the café once they saw I was in another man’s arms.

Scott looked up to also catch a glimpse of the men return back into the café irritated.

“What are you doing at this time in the night Eliey?” he asked with hands unconsciously around me.

“Nothing please don’t leave me” I stuck to him like a chewing gum, thinking if I let him go the men would continue following me.

“Let’s get out of here” I told him hurriedly with my hands around his waist tight. With one hand I removed my car keys and the other one was still tightly around him.

He didn’t say a word. He continued to keep his arms around me tight too and walked weirdly with me as if we were a couple towards the car I had told him I had parked nearby.

“I need an explanation” he firmly told me as we neared my car.

“Everything shall be told to you in the car but first let’s just get out of here till I don’t see the café near me”

“Okay” he said and took me to my car.

We quickly got in and Scott started to drive.

“Let’s go to your place and not mine. I really do not want to be home right now” I told him and he nodded looking straight ahead with his eyes filled with curiosity that showed it was hard for him not to read my mind immediately at that moment.


next chappy soon

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