Bloody Trap

349 17 5

Elieys p.o.v

“Wake up Eliey, you’re in trouble, wake up honey quickly! It’s Keith, Zack is Keith” I heard my mother’s voice guide me as my eyes searched for her face in the darkness, but I couldn’t find her face. Her voice began to disappear and I realised she was speaking to me in a dream.

My entire body jerked out of bed, flashing open my tired eyes, I touched my forehead which was sweaty and an evil feeling started to creep in my veins like poison. Something was wrong, something was fuelling power in me.

To my surprise I woke up in a beige double suite room. I could see the hall from where the bed was situated and there was a bathroom door on the other side of the bed. Dia lay still next to me and it was overly quiet around me, like I was under someones observation or something.

I knew this room. I had dreamt of it. My senses were on high alert and all that replayed in  my mind was my mother’s voice telling me Zack is Keith. It didn’t make sense to me right now. I was processing things slowly.

Last night I crashed on my bed and this morning I’m in a hotel suite?

I turned around to see a glass shelf above my bed and that’s when it hit me hard.

Zack was the man in my dreams and I was the naked girl seducing him….

Uncle Raiddy did tell me about how my dreams could show me the future but he didn’t tell me how could I change it, or could I even try changing it for starters?

I quickly turned to look at Dia. Her breath was serene and she seemed to be in deep sleep.

I quickly recollected the last thing I ate or drank, to not remember how I got here. It was impossible for me to sleep through all the noise of the shifting and moving my body all the way to this place unless…. Unless I was drugged.

I moved my hand slowly and steadily towards Dia’s hand so I could quickly run through her thoughts to recollect who had drugged me. My doubts were on Dia.

Inches before I could touch her hand Dia’s breath became unsteady and she snorted in her sleep, changing her position into a more comfortable one.

I waited patiently as she switched sides and fell back to her rhythmic breathing.

Without any delay I touched my palm to her dangling hand that rested towards my side and held  on to it.

The suite around me blackened out and I began feeling emotions Dia had gone through all night. She was afraid, tired and awake. She was AWAKE. She drugged me.

I could see vague images of Zack holding a boy’s body and stuffing him to the back of the huge wagon he had got. I tried scanning the boy’s face…. It was JAMES!! They took James too! Then Dia’s eyes flickered to look at Zack’s terrifying dark brown eyes, those eyes that I had seen as a child. Dangerous and deadly… those eyes that belonged to only one person, the one I would never forget. Keith.

Keith then took hold of my body. He wrapped my arms around his and carried me to the other empty seat of the Wagon and placed me gently, wrapping the seat belt around my breast.

He then slowly moved forward and smiled with pleasure, kissing my lips and then shutting the door after.

Dia flinched at the scene and then followed Keith into the car, sitting in the front and chewing something in her mouth.

A sudden sting hit her tongue and then the images I saw started collapsing in her mind. I had to get out, wake up. She was drugged too.

Flinching away quickly I came back to the soothing room that actually felt scary to be in now. I tried maintaining my expressions, skipped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to cool myself off and get fresh.

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