Interesting Black Eyes

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Eliey’s p.o.v

My head hurt so bad as I lay in my bed, feeling my body sink in the soft feathered mattresses below me.

I flickered my eyes open to the broad day light and couldn’t believe I ended up in my room again after running into the woods and fainting in front of this character I had never even heard of ‘Tony’. My imagination must be running wild.

“Your finally awake” A thick charming voice spoke from the corner of the room.

I quickly turned my face around to see a guy in a black vest and blue jeans sitting quietly in the corner of the room keeping his eyes fixed over me. His eyes were dark black and astonishingly looked shallow and his thin lips were twisted in a sexy grin.

“Who – who are you?” I asked scared wondering how had he ended up in my room?

“The name you called out when you banged into me… he was my lost father” he spoke softly and his eyes darkened again similar to the way he stood mysteriously in the woods.

“Tony” I spoke the words harshly.

“Yea” he tried to smile.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I live in the town nearby. I had come in the woods to find some wood for the place I stay but I wandered off more than I should have and banged into you.” He replied looking straight into my eyes.

His white skin and rosy lips, his straight nose and curious eyes gave me an off feeling about him…

“No I meant what are you doing in my room?” I sneered.

“OH sorry I just came to visit if you were alright and now that you are I am leaving” he flipped his black hair that were tumbling on front of his eyes and got up from his seat and started to move towards the door.

I adjusted myself and looked at him walk away. He opened the door silently, gave one last smile and closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later I heard another person knock.

“Come on in” I shouted.

The door opened quietly and Hop popped from outside it.

“Hey” I smiled at his sweet small face.

“Hey Ms Colby” he looked hopefully and then I realized he had a plate of freshly cooked eggs and a glass of orange juice in a tray in front of him.

“Your Aunt sent this for you” He looked at the plate and then at me.

“Thanks, put it down” I told him and he did so.

“So how you doing?” he asked me standing next to my bed.

“I’m doing well, pretty well. Um, Hop could you do me a favour?” I asked him, looking up at him.

“Yea sure anything” he nodded.

“Well firstly don’t call me Ms Colby, you can call me Eliey and secondly could you research around the town who was Tony and a little bit about his lost son or something like that?”

“Sure..err Eliey”

“Oh and this information and question – answering stays between us” I smiled at him making sure he wouldn’t reveal my investigation plans.

“Yes Ma’am” he tapped his feet and twisted quickly escaping the room.

I looked at the breakfast over the end of the bed and didn’t feel like eating much.

I tried to search for my phone and finally found it inside my purse that was luckily next to my bed.

I flicked it open and it read a miss call by Dia.

I immediately touched speed dial and the phone rang loudly in the silent room.



“Yea, ELIEY! HII!” she shouted excited.

“Yea, how are you?” I asked her happy to hear her voice.

“I’m good, how’s the place?! How was your first night?! What is happening?!” she asked all the wrong questions hurriedly.

“Well it’s not a very good start but I’m working my way through. The place is an absolute heaven. I really didn’t know my parents were this rich, I mean I’m just unable to consume how everything looks, still.” I told her.

“Tell me everything” She told me and I started my story. Telling her about how the house looked like and how I had weird flashes of my parent’s lives and then I banged into his hot guy with a bare chest.

Oops did I mention hot? No totally annoyingly noisy fellow.

“Wow. So when you meeting this hot guy again?!” Dia asked excited for me.

“Dia I’m not over James and plus I find something fishy about him.” I sighed.

“Alright well all the best about that and keep me posted” she said.

“I will surely, ho – hows James?” I asked.

“James is good, he um he is recovering” she told me.

“Okay. Well I’m giving it a few days and I’ll call him again”

“Yea do that”

“Well I gotta go now so I’ll call you tonight for sure again” I smiled, hearing her murmur a goodbye and then cut the phone after that.

I got off the bed and walked towards the door when suddenly I got another imagery pushed into my head, a white rose rising from the window and landing in the hands of a beautiful red headed girl waiting anxiously for the man who sent her the flower.

“WHOAH” I sighed and blinked my eyes out of the imagery. Probably this too happened in this room. This was happening a lot now. I decided I would speak to my Uncle about this and then everything would be fine.

I opened the door and walked out to the hallway and then down the stairs and walked into the sitting room.

“I can’t believe that man’s son entered our home today. I can’t believe it Raiddy!” Aunt Anne shouted at Uncle.

“It’s his lost son. Tony wouldn’t even know he that he existed”

“Raiddy I killed his father with my own bare hands to save our beloved friends. Today Eliey met him, what if he kidnaps our Eliey and repeats the same madness his father did with Tenace and Haven?”

“He is pure. I can read it in his eyes. I have the skills to recognize this Anne. He’s good hearted, unlike how his father was” he reassured her.

“What is going on?” I asked surprised standing astonished at the conversations that bounced in the rooms behind my back.

“Nothing dear” Aunt Anne tried to cover up but it was too late.


next chappy soon , please leave comments thank you :D

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