My only family

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Eliey’s p.o.v

“I can’t take it anymore Raiddy! I can’t! He’s my only son and I miss him so dam much” I heard aunt Anne scream.

Scared to leave her alone I pushed myself out the bed and opened the door shutting it with a big bang behind me.

“It’s okay babe. It’s okay; please don’t harass your body about it. We aren’t getting any younger and if Eliey hears us she will cry too, please, honey, be strong.” Uncle Raiddy tried to soothe her.

I ran down the steps and stopped before touching my foot to the floor. “Stay strong Eliey” I encouraged myself and slowly started to continue my way to the hall.

“I miss Keith. I miss him so much Raiddy. I can’t live another day without him” she wept in her husband’s arms and held on to him tight.

This was the usual. She always either missed my mother or Keith every alternate day. She had a tough time keeping herself strong. She always refused to talk about it and I refused to ask anyone about it too but today I had decided I just needed to know.

As I entered the hall, my gaze shifted from my aunt’s tormented face to the floor where an old photo of Keith lay in a broken frame with shattered glass all around it.

“Eliey” Aunt Anne whispered, looking hurt to see me look at her so sad.

“It’s okay aunt Anne. Just let it out. That’s what I do when I miss mommy and daddy” I smiled weakly controlling my tears.

“Come here Have… Eliey” Uncle Raiddy called out.

“It’s alright, you can call me Haven if it makes you’ll feel better. We never talk about mom and dad anyways” I walked towards them and let them engulf me in a hug.

“We love you so much. As much as your parents did then why do you think we need to discuss anything about your parents ever?” Aunt Anne smiled as she got a hold of herself in a better way.

“We need to discuss them be -because now I’m growing up and weird things are starting to happen with me and so I need to know who th - they were.” I answered them nervously.

Suddenly aunt Anne and Uncle Raiddy let go of me and looked at me horrified.

“What?!” I asked surprised at their sudden change of expressions.

“Nothing. Your Aunt will make us some tea. Why don’t we sit down and talk about the unusual things that are happening to you, shall we?” Uncle Raiddy smiled cheering up from the touchy sad mood and indicated that I sit down with him on the sofa.

“UM. You’ll will think I’m crazy” I laughed nervously, scratching my arm up and down and settling down on my favourite spot.

“Trust me child. That’s exactly what your mother told me when she had weird things going on with her” Aunt Anne laughed and walked away into the kitchen.

“Alright. So tell me. How are things going on with you?” Uncle Raiddy smiled, weirdly.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you’ll tell me what is going on with Keith and then maybe I’ll talk more about myself.” I stared back.

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