Terrible day

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This chapter isnt that great since i was in a bad mood when i wrote it but i gave it my best so i hope it isnt that bad


Elieys . p.o.v

“Dia let go of me I shouted and when she did she bit her lips with concern, and said, “ I’m sorry for this weird surprise but.. “ she looked at James, “he said he wanted to meet you and that he wouldn’t let me come to see you without him.

“Ye – yeah it’s um it’s fine” I told her trying to control my overwhelming emotions. It felt like I would break down any moment again the minute these two people would be out of my sight.

“How are you?” James asked coming near me.

Unconsciously I took a step back, scared of his touch, unable to give him a reply back..

Dia tried speaking in between but luckily Hop saved us.

“Oh are those your friends?” Hop suddenly asked opening the front door of the house and looked at us curiously.

“Yes they are” I replied back to him, quick in a jiffy and smiled at Dia.

“I can feel something is wrong with you” Dia whispered and then she swiftly turned around to enter the house and shake hands with Hop.

James smiled at me once again, then shoved his hands in his pockets nervously and started to walk behind Dia.

I watched both them walk in and then heard noises of my aunt all surprised greeting them inside with such great happiness, as if she had not seen another humans in her life since she had left our old home.

“I can’t believe this is happening right now” I sighed and walked inside the house, not ready for all the noise and old talks that were going to proceed with this evening.

It didn’t take too long for Dia to stuff her luggage in my room and James got the room right next to ours.

Dia kept on jumping up and down screaming how she felt like a queen’s best friend living in this palace that was my home.

James was pretty quiet. He kept looking at me with deep emotionally filled eyes and smiled at me every time I looked back at him.

They lingered around me as we had talks about our home back from where I lived and then I heard Hop call us down for dinner.

We ran down the stairs all hungry from the tiring day each one of us had separately experienced and sat down at the table.

Dinner was surprisingly much calmer than I would imagine it would be.

We drank our soup so silently and ate our bread without dropping a single crumbles down. I was finally glad everything had become so quiet and cool and that stress and fatigue had over taken my guests.

I needed time to relax, to be by myself, think about the date I had tomorrow and how I would convince Zack I can’t love him back.

I just needed some peace and quiet to think this through.

“So what are we doing after dinner?” Dia asked and I immediately got paranoid.

“Is it okay if we give it a rest today? I mean it has been an extremely long day for me and I don’t think I have any more energy to do anything today.” I smiled sadly at Dai and she nodded in agreement.

After dinner we all walked up the stairs to get to our rooms. James was awfully quiet. He didn’t say a word or demand anything out of me like Dia. He waved us a goodnight and went into his room.

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