Chapter 28: Weird Dream

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Chapter 28: Weird Dream

       “What do you think he’s doing?” Beth asked. It was the next morning and she and I were just hanging out in her room. I spent the night after I went home and talked to my mom about Florida.

     I shrug. “I don’t know. I know he’s not doing anything crazy. He’s probably like telling the bitch to back up. However we all know Willow is crazy, but I don’t think he sees her as crazy mental, he just sees her as crazy for him.” Beth shakes her head. “Well if you have to pull a Beyoncé and that crazy girl from Obsessed you better be ready. Beyoncé won, because it was movie, this ain't no movie darling.” I look at her and laugh.

     “Are you saying she’s going kick my ass?” Beth laughs in return. “No, you need to be prepared just in case,” She stops. “But don’t worry, I got your back if you feel like it’s about to go down. We can tag team her.” She gets up and starts punching the air and stuff. I push her hands down, “Stop. We won’t need to tag team her, because I don’t think she’s gonna do anything.”

     We go in the kitchen, because her mom called us down to eat.  Beth’s dad and brother went somewhere, so it was just her and us. We blessed the food and began. “Mama, do you know if Daniel is at work today?” Beth asked.  “I don’t know, but I can call him for you.”  She answered. “What happened?” Beth shakes her head at her mother’s worried expression. “Nothing Mama, just asking."

     Tia looks at me and smiles. “What is it?” She asked again, seriously. “Because Mama, it’s critical. Now can you please ask if he is working?” She begged. Her mom gave in. “Sure, but this better be good.” Beth nods and continues eating. “What are you talking about? Who is Daniel?” I asked, totally oblivious to what they were talking about. I only understand little Spanish stuff. “Nothing, just go upstairs and dress in something you can stretch in.”

     I do as Beth says and get dressed. I decide to wear tights and a long shirt to cover my butt. I put my hair in a ponytail and zip up my bag. “Alright, I’m ready. What are we doing?” I call out to Beth. She was in the bathroom. “Bring some deodorant.” She tells me. “Are you taking me to work out? Why did you make it sound so suspicious ?” She comes out with her hair in a high ponytail and a matching shirt as mine. “No, we're doing something even better.”

She rushes me to the car and even then i had no idea what was going on. When we reached a house, my curiosity didn't go away.

      “Whose house are we at?” I asked her. She unlocks the doors so we can get out. “My Cousin Daniel’s house.” I follow behind her, “And what are we going to do exactly?” She knocks and a man answers. “Beth!” They greet each other and he offers us to come in. “Alright, are you working with someone today?” She asked him. “I am, but he is almost over. Is this the friend you’re talking about?” He looked at me. I look at Beth, confused.  “What do you have like a gym or something?” I asked.

     He laughs. “I have a boxing gym yes. Beth called and told me that you needed some help in fighting.” I look at Beth and frown. “Um well I think I’m fine so we can just go.” Just then her cousin whipped out his arm and swiped right in front of my face. Not hitting me, but acting like he was.  “What the—“Are you sure?” He gave me an amused look. I frown, giving in. “Fine, let’s go.”

      I go in and follow them. Daniel leads us to a dark hallway, he opens the door and bright light blinds me at first. Until we fully go in and my eyes adjust. In the room were boxing bags on the sides and a large boxing ring in the middle. “Wow. Alright you weren’t lying.” I said.  Beth gives me the dumbass look, while her cousin turns around and laughs. “No, I wasn’t. So what do you want to do first? You want to practice punching on the bags? Or practice attacking?” He asked. I shrug, feeling dumbfounded.

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