Chapter 3: Stalker

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Chapter 3: Stalker

The car ride back was silent and awkward. Beth didn't talk, neither did I, so it was not normal. Something must be bothering her. "Beth?" I said. She glances at me with an eyebrow raised. "Is there something wrong?" She shakes her head. We pull back in our parking spot. "Are you sure?" I assure as I get out the car. "Yeah Nia, I'm fine." She waves me off. She walks ahead of me; I know something is bothering her. I just don't know what.

I don't press the topic anymore. I just walk alongside her to fourth period. We have separate hours, but share the rest of our hours together. "Alright, I'll see you next hour." I say to her. She nods to me and walks away. I go inside my class and see no one. Not even Bronx, or Aiden. I need more friends. So I decide to sit by a girl who has her nose stuck in a book. "Interesting book you got there huh?" I said. Her head snaps up and blushes. "Yeah, this seat isn't taken." She moves her bag off the chair and I sit down.

"So what's your name?" I ask her. She looks at me again, "April." April was a tan skinned girl, with black hair and green eyes. "I'm Nia." I smile at her. "Well Nia, if you don't mind me asking, but do you have anything I can snack on?" I look in my bag and find a fortune cookie. I laugh, "Um, all I have is a fortune cookie from my lunch." I pass it to her.

She takes it and breaks the cookie and takes out the message. "Something important will change your life." She reads out loud. "I never really believed in these things, but I think its right." She says mainly to herself. "What do you mean?" I ask her. She turns in her seat. I look at her and realize something. She is pregnant. "Oh wow, how far along are you?" I ask her. She smiles down at her stomach. "Five months." She answers. I nod, "Well congratulations." I say to her.

"You know Nia?" She said. "You are the first person to say that to me." She gives me a small smile. I was about to reply, when the teacher comes in. "Alright Class, This is Trigonometry, if you don't think your cut out for it then leave." The teacher writes his name on the board. "If you pay attention in this class then we won't have any problems." He claps. "So let's get this afternoon started."

The bell rings and everyone leaves. "Hey April?" I call after her. She stops to look at me. "What class do you have next?" She shows me her schedule and I match it with mine. "I wasn't here this morning so, I didn't get to go to first hour, but let's just hope morning sickness doesn't get to me again." She gives me small smile. "Okay, well we have the last classes together, so I haven't scared you off, I'll introduce you to my friends, they're cool I swear." She laughs, "Alright, well I'll see you later." She waves at me.

It was time for Gym and as I much as I hated the thought of this class; I was told if I didn't take it, that it could affect my credits. So I took a breather and headed in the locker room. When I went down there I suddenly felt self-conscious. Where the hell is Beth? We have this class together. All the girls were getting undressed and putting on our matching required gym clothes.

"Hey Gardson, hurry up." Coach Danny barks. She is tough women, and I was about to say something back but was interrupted. "It's okay Coach; I'll make sure she gets ready." I turn around and see the devil herself. "Alright Madison, be out in 5 minutes." She says. Leah Madison was a total bitch, who I can't stand. She was bitter and just evil to anyone, even to me, her relative. "I don't know why you are taking so long, get dressed and come on." She rolled her eyes. I opened the locker I was assigned and got my clothes out.

"I don't know why the hell your being a bitch Leah, was it bad a morning with Aunt Evelyn?" My uncle on my mom's side got a divorce from my aunt and married this monster's mother. Who is so nice, I don't know what happened. "Look don't bring up that shit, to everyone we hate each other. To my mom and Stephen we are best friends."

"Whatever you say cousin." I smirk at her. She steps forward and was about to say something when I see Beth. "Oh save it Leah, you wouldn't want dear mommy Evelyn to hear about you hurting dear cousin Nia." She says. Leah turns to look at Beth and then back at me. "Hola to you too." She snarls at Beth. Beth laughs, "That all you got?"

"Look I don't have time for this," She points at Beth, who is mumbling what I think are multiple curse words in Spanish. "I'm going to go; you can be late all you want. I tried to save your ass." She starts to walk out. "Sure Leah!" I yell at her back.

I was dressed; I just didn't wanna leave until Beth came. "Beth calm down," I grab her arm and grab her schedule and open her gym locker. "Where the hell were you?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Honey if that puta wasn't your cousin I would mess her up." She exclaimed. She grabbed her stuff and started to put on her clothes. I turn around, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Nia, we have been friends for how long? Seven years, you act like you've never seen me naked." She commented. "Anyway like I said before where were you?"

"I was scooping out that new hottie. What did you say his name was again?" She wondered. "Oh God Beth don't stalk him." I turned around and she was dressed. She got done lacing her shoes and we walk out. "I'm not stalking him for one, and don't worry I won't try to get with your future plastic baby's daddy." She pushed me. I pushed her back. "That was totally not appropriate and don't call him that, Stalker, his name is—"Thomas, Aiden Thomas." I hear Coach yell.

We were sitting on the bleachers and waiting for everyone to be called during roll. I look up and see him walking through the doors with the school shirt, making it look better than any guy I've seen wear it. His hair was tousled like someone ran their hands through it and his blue eyes met mine.

I blinked away the trance he had on everyone and realized that this is what he wanted. He wanted to make an entrance. He is so arrogant, and I can't be the only one who sees it. Out of the ten girls in this room I had to be the one to make eye contact with him. I rolled my eyes, which made him laugh.

"What an entrance Mr. Thomas," Coach Danny sarcastically says. "Let's get started.

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