Chapter 20.

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Harry’s POV

I stood there awkwardly with the strange girl.

She seemed nice enough to talk to. I’ll admit it she was pretty and her eyes were a magnificent blue color. Even bluer than Louis’ eyes.

“Would you like to sit down?” I asked her motioning to the small couch behind her. She looked at me, and then at the couch, then back to Avery, and then her eyes finally ended on me.

“Sure.” She said in a small voice. She took a few small steps backwards and sat down on the edge while I moved and sat at the other end. We stayed silent and I didn’t know what to do. “Are you sure they said she was fine?” she asked turning towards me.

“Um yeah she’s just pretty banged up and they gave her medicine to heal.” I say. I didn’t want to be the one to tell her that her friend or possibly best friend had lost her memory and might not remember her.

It was already heart breaking to know that she didn’t even remember the boys let alone me. I know I sound a bit conceited but I can’t help it. She sends me on a roller coast ride of emotions.

“Is that all?” she asks looking up at me.

“Um…” I started. Now’s your time to say it mate. She’s waiting for it. Come on just say it. “Yep…that’s all.”

What the hell did I just do?! Why did I lie to her?!

“Okay well then I’m glad she’s-” she said sounding genuinely happy.

“Wait!” I say looking down.

“What?” she asks leaning in to hear if I whisper it.

“That’s not all.” I say.

“What? Are you kidding me?” she says. I look up at her and my heart shatters into a million pieces. She looks so broken and hurt and a lot of other stuff I can’t really read.

“I’m sorry but the doctor said that she lost her memory. She doesn’t remember anything so far. We don’t know how recent she can remember.” I say in a low voice.

I look up at her again and see that her hand is covering her mouth and she’s shaking slightly as if holding back a sneeze or a scream. I stare at her and I see her pinch the bridge of her nose while putting her head down.

Now this broke my heart. I slid over quickly and wrapped her in my arms. I slowly stroked her hair and tried to calm her down.

She slowly leaned onto my shoulder as I rubbed her back. I started humming to see if it would help but she just let the tears flow.

Then I started to sing a random song and she stopped. She leaned back, out of my grip, and just stared at me scrunching her eyebrows while doing so.

“Why are you singing?” she asked wiping her nose with her sleeve.

“Because you were crying and I feel terrible because I’m the one that told you.” I say truthfully.

“But you did tell me. That’s what matters.” She said sniffling.

“But I thought you were mad that I told you?” I asked her.

“No I’m sad that there’s a chance that she might not remember me. I only met her a few months ago so there’s a chance. I just don’t want to lose her. We’ve been through so much together.” She says leaning on me a bit for support.

I looked down at her. She was looking straight ahead and I saw that her eyes were red and puffy. It was depressing seeing her like this. She looked like the always to cheer someone else up girl.

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