Chapter 8.

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Harry and Niall were both blinded and Louis was on top of Niall in a fighting stance.

I laughed at him and his “scariness”.

“What are you laughing at? You’re the one who will be in the water within 10 seconds.” Louis said jokingly.

“As if buddy.”

We moved closer together and I yelled out “GO!!!”

Louis grabbed my arms trying to push me over but Harry, as blind as he may be, was pretty strong and quick.

We continued fighting.

I laughed along the way because Louis was so close he started tickling me.

I was extremely off balance and I was loud when I laughed when he hit the spots.

“Harry…….move…………backwards!!!” I yelled between laughing outbursts.

Louis almost fell face first in.

I calmed my racing heart and tried pushi9ng Louis over sideways but it failed.

Louis grabbed onto the shirt I was wearing and tugged me in with him. I feel off of the still standing Harry while Louis had done the same with Niall.

Louis had a great hold on my shirt because when I was in midair I was crushed to his chest leaving no space for water.

I took a breath before I met water contact. As I was underwater I could see Louis he was staring at me.

He pulled me closer to him….

And then he pressed…. his lips against mine?!?!?!

Our lips moved in sync with each other and his touch made me melt inside like a volcano exploded within me.

I pushed away from him not wanting to get too attached.

I went to the surface and breathed in. Harry took off his scarf and helped me up smiling.

Louis came to the surface and grinned at me.

He didn’t really care about me. None of them did. They were just hormonal teenage boys that need “some”.

We stopped playing since the sun was going down.

Before we had to go to sleep we decided to sort the clothes and supplies out.

One case held girl/woman clothes. Two cases held boy/men clothes. Another held the medical supplies and the last one held emergency stuff like flashlights, and a few lighters plus some other things.

I grabbed some clothes and went to get changed. It was pretty big on me, the pants, but the shirt was tight and short. It was an odd mix to have.

We put the luggage around us so we set up a certain space.

When I came back out Louis was helping Liam set up the borders using a flashlight.

“No not there….there!!!!!” Louis said sounding irritated, tired, and angry.

“Where’s there?!?!?! Liam yelled at him clearly frustrated.

“THERE!!!!!!” Louis pointed using the flashlight yelling at him.

I sat down next to my luggage case and put the dirty clothes in it. Louis, I guess scared by the weird noise, turned the flashlight to face me.

“HEY!!!” I yelled at him.

“What are you wearing?” he said still pointing the light at me holding back his laughter.

“Chill Louis it was the only thing I could find.” I said tired too.

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