Chapter 30.

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*One week after arriving home*

Avery’s POV

I was running

I was crying.

I didn’t know what to do.

“Zayn?” I ask sitting up fully in the bed.

I look around and am met with darkness. The darkness, it was an enemy of mine. I was lost. I was lost, where though.

I pulled my knees up to my chest as I kicked the cover off my body. I was hot, too hot for blankets.

Why weren’t we in the forest? It’s in my head now….

The forest I mean…it stands for the dreams I’ve been having for the past week. It would always be a road I was travelling on and people would be at the end of it. I just didn’t know who was at the end.

‘Why wouldn’t you know? It’s your dream for god’s sake!’

I know it’s my dream; it’s just that I can’t see them. They’re blurred out and all foggy. Maybe it’s my memory affecting my dreams but…I feel like it isn’t in some way or another.

Wait. Why did I say Zayn? Why’d I call out for him?

He wasn’t here; he wasn’t going to be here for me. He had his own worries and troubles to take care of. I apparently caused him to break his arm and leg, not to mention lose a lot of blood from those wounds.

Man, I came with serious baggage.

I stood up from the bed and walked to the doors leading outside to a large balcony that wrapped around the backside of the house, -it also had the other rooms connected to it.

Lately one person has always been out there at crazy time.


I wanted to talk to the curly haired fellow that I’d grown close too.

And there he was, when I looked through the door, he was sitting on a fancy deck chair starring up into the sky. It was around 3 am here in London. But it was one of those times where the city is quiet for just a minute. Now crazy traffic, no loud yells.

Everything was silent.

Until I opened the creaky door. I pushed it open quickly sliding outside.

Harry looked up and his green eyes met my own. I loved his eyes; I just couldn’t get over how they could be such a piercing emerald color.

If they weren’t resembled to a gem, I would say they’re the color of a mystical forest, and the leaves and trees they are portrayed as. It’s like a dream every time I look into them, but something swims in them. Something secretive swims and I feel like drowning every time I try to do deeper.

“Avery.” Harry breathes when his eyes look at me.

“Harry.” I smile at him. I was the twenty feet to his part of the balcony and lie down in a chair next to him. I feel his eyes twisting holes into my face but I don’t want to turn.

I don’t want to ruin the moment.

“Why are you awake, again?” he adds.

“Why are you?” the stars envelope my attention. I don’t want to look away. When I look up at them I can imagine myself on a beach.

On a beach. With Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis. The boys, my boys. They were all there with me for just a moment. Liam would remark about the constellations, Louis would laugh turning it perverted.

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