Chapter 32.

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Avery’s POV

I heard soft snores by my ear.

I didn’t want to wake up. Zayn’s breathing was calm and quiet; I didn’t want to leave his soft and warm side. This was a rare moment for him. He always had his guard up yet I knew he was hiding something from me. Me, I was a big secret in myself.

I turned my head expecting to feel the soft train cushion on the seat but no, I was met with skin. I opened my eyes and saw the familiar face of Zayn Malik. He was so close I could see the small almost microscopic hairs on his jaw growing. I wasn’t a creep at all…

The train slowed down as a lady’s voice came on telling us where we were. I suddenly jumped up at the sound of my town. My town, the place I lived.

“Zayn,” I whisper leaning down to him.

“Mmm…” he moans against the chair and turns his head.

“If you don’t get up in the next five seconds I will scream in your ear.” I whisper in his ear slowly. In one beat his nose brushes my own. I stare down at him, he was still asleep. “Why do you love to sleep?”

“What?” he asks.

Oh. My. God.

That sleepy voice was so adorable. It was the right kind of cuteness mixed with the perfect amount of sexiness. Zayn, you my friend are gaining bonus points real quickly.

“Zayn, time to get up dude.” I pull his arm to help him stand as the train comes to a stop. He yawns and stretches his arms out. “Rawr.”

He scrunches his eyebrows at me with an amused expression on his face, “What was that?”

“You looked like a lion. I want to make the sound affect.” I shrug my shoulders pulling the hoodie closer on my body as Zayn mimics me.

“You’re too adorable.” He smiles down at me and I roll my eyes as we both make our way to the open doors. I step down the stairs and I am immediately met with the salty coast air. My home, yes.

“Finally.” I mumble to myself in happiness. I was overjoyed; I could probably fly for this high I was on.

“Where to?” he puts his hands in his jumper pockets looking from left to right, “You’re the leader now.”

“I thought you were going to help?” I ask as we walk through the crowd to the entrance building.

“I did, I got us here and I’m the fabulous moral support team.” He winks at me.

“Yes you are.” I wink back as we walk through the busier down town area. After ten minutes of silence we make it to the small cobblestone town I lived in with Nad and Jake. “Oh my god,” I whisper seeing the bar once again, also the deli and shops.

“What?” Zayn stops walking, a look of worry plaguing his beautiful features. “What’s wrong?”

“I remember.” I hold onto a street light pole to steady myself.

“Avery…what is it that you remember?” Zayn’s hands hold my shoulders tightly so I wont fall.

“I was running and then Harry and then Louis.”

“Calm down.” He sits us down at a near bench. He looks me in the eye, “Describe what the scene looks like.”

I take a deep breath. In with the good and out with the bad as Scott used to tell me. Scott, he was the reason I was back here with Zayn.

“I was running,” I start and take a deep breath, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I remember diving into the water and then crashing. I remembered how cold the water was. Then I was sinking and I somehow was saved…by Louis.” I say staring off at a specific cobble in the road. “I remember that.” I say to Zayn.

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