Chapter 61:

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A/N: hi so i basically havent updated in a bit but i will the next chapter that i wrote has me iffy on whether i should upload it or not im still deciding but i will decide soon. I hope you enjoy this chapter please recommend it to your friends and maybe my other story too. If you want to talk about the story or give me story reccommendations or want little hints or something tweet me @itsHoransHood. Enjoy and until next time faves. (:

5 months later

Niall asked “is he showing up to your graduation?” I replied “I don't know Ni I just kinda took a chance at inviting him. Just look for him in the crowd okay?” Niall replied “yeah of course. Do you want me to text you when he comes too?”

I pushed him and said “I'm just nervous I mean we are friends now but you know?” Niall replied “yes and you're already nervous as it is I’ll handle Justin okay?” I shook my head. He joked “everything should be fine as long as Kaylea doesn’t have baby styles’ tonight?” I replied “oh god don't jinx her she’s already nervous for me and having her due date so close” he laughed and asked “ready?”

I grabbed my white gown and Niall asked “have enough white to wear?” I replied “I have black heels on” he rolled his eyes. I was tapping my shoe on the mat in the car and tapping my fingers on the console Niall grabbed my hand and said “you’ll be fine, everything will be fine” I gave him a tight smile. He added “I promise.”

I was nervous well beyond nervous to be honest the anxiety was worse than any other time. We arrived and the family was waiting I was tapping my foot too fast by now. I got out and Kaylea asked “ready my little med student?” I tightly smiled.

She said “Elisha, you’ll be fine. Why are you worried? Lets be honest youre not the one super pregnant and at a graduation” I replied “I'm a bit worried about tripping” I laughed. I went to sit down with the rest of my graduating class. My name was called I was continuously saying to myself “don't trip don't do it” I didn’t.

As I was walking I heard the whole family yelling and screaming I smiled maybe even laughed god they were the best. I wasn’t nervous anymore I was thrilled I sat down I didn’t know if he showed up I was trying to look around but I couldn’t see past the people behind me.

The lady said “congratulation graduates” I went to find them. I looked around and then I saw him standing by the back was Justin in a white button up and khakis holding flowers. I stared at him, he waved, and smiled. I tried to wave back but I couldn’t I truly didn’t think he would’ve showed up, Niall cleared his throat.

Justin walked towards me, hugged me, and said “congratulations Elisha” I laughed and said “thank you” he handed me the flowers and said “I thought you would like them” I replied “I do thank you” he replied “mom told me to say congratulations” I replied “tell her thank you” he hugged me again and whispered “I will.”

Niall and I took a couple of pictures one of him kissing my cheek, one of him carrying me, one of him wearing my hat, and the next just a smiling one. I took a smiling picture with Liam and Danielle, and my parents, and all the rest of the boys and girls last was Justin ours was smiling and the other was us doing some weird pose.

I asked Justin “are you coming to the party? It’s at our condo. You're welcome to come and so is your mom if she’s in town” he replied “she left yesterday for New York for a signing but I’ll come” I said “great uh be there at 8 is that good? I mean you don't have to be there at exactly 8.”

He chuckled and said “Elisha, its okay” I nervously laughed. He walked to his car shaking his head and chuckling. I walked back to the group mom was tearing up and saying “you graduated college” I laughed and said “yes mom after a couple of years of medical school I graduated” she replied “don't laugh at me you're my baby” I laughed and said “you’ll be fine.”

Niall walked up and said “don't laugh at your mom she’s just proud” I replied “don't tell me what to do sir oh and by the way Justin is coming to the party” mom rolled her eyes and said “you're with him again?” I said “no I'm with Niall but we are friends with Justin yes and you need to be nice and not rude when he comes over to our condo okay?”

she replied “of course but I don't understand why you always go back to him” I replied “I'm not going back to him we are friends and he’s changed and I wished you would stop making assumptions about my life” Liam said “Elisha, that’s enough” I replied “I didn’t even start anything that’s all I said” Niall whispered and said “Elisha, stop.” I mumbled “fine”

Niall and I got into the car he asked “why did you react like that?” I replied “I didn’t mean for it to come off as that mean but it did and I wish she would understand that I'm not going back to him” he replied “yeah that was uncalled for but she’s still your mom regardless of what she thinks about anything in your life” I replied “yeah I just wish she would give me a break for one day” Niall nodded his head.

The time has been going by so fast today. The dinner was going great so far mom hasn’t made any side comments or anything about Justin, which is really great. They brought out my graduation cake and I blew the candles out Niall took pictures on my phone. I captioned one of the photos ‘taking more classes and going to college the whole year every year paid off graduated 2 years early’.

Kaylea has been having contractions all night so I’ve been making sure they stay a bit apart and not too close but they seemed to be getting closer and then her water broke and we got into our cars and crowded up a hospital waiting room.  After 5 hours of labor which wasn’t bad considering other labor times baby styles or well baby Landon James Styles was born he was the cutest thing Niall and I have ever seen.

Landon was going to have two loving parents who already loved him so much and he was just born. Not to mention two best godparents im not being biased or anything but they seemed to handle kids pretty well and kids liked them.

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