Chapter 3:

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I woke up still thinking about the next event which was a few days away and it’s across the country in New York City. This means we have about a day to get ready because it’s always good to arrive a day early. Justin began to toss and turn and I asked "Can you drop me off at my house so I can shower and change?" he said "why don't you just go to the store and buy an outfit and anything else you’re going to need then come back and take a shower here"

I said "okay but can I wear your sweatshirt over my top so I'm no technically in the same outfit" he chuckled and said "yeah.” I put on the grey YMCMB hoodie that he gave me at the beach and I said "I'm just going to go to my condo since its right around the corner anyways" he said "okay but don't hurt my baby". I laughed then said "Justin chill it's just a car it isn't healthy to get attached to a car" he laughed. I took his car and went to my condo.

I decided to take a quick shower after my shower I did my hair and changed into a black cropped top with skinny jeans and my Sperry's. I decided to put his hoodie back on. I grabbed my phone charger and a bag to stuff an outfit, the essentials, some perfume, and a stick of chapstick and then I headed out the door. I got into his car and drove to his house. I opened the door and walked up the stairs to his room to see that he was in a towel.

He saw me, chuckled and said "I just took a shower" I asked "do you want me to leave?" he replied "no I will just go and change in the bathroom. Why are you still holding your bag?" I glanced at my bag in my hand and said "I didn't know if I was going to stay again but I packed just in case" he said “I wouldn’t mind if you did. You look amazing by the way" he came, walked up, and kissed my cheek. I smiled and said "I tried" he smiled and said "well I think you passed” he went into the bathroom to change.

Niall, Harry, and Zayn walked in. Zayn asked “where is Justin?” I said "he is in the bathroom changing" Zayn said "okay” Harry asked “Where did Justin sleep last night?" I said "in his bed" and then Niall asked "where did you sleep?" I said "um in his bed" and they all looked at me. I laughed and said "NOTHING happened". It was true nothing did happen. Justin came out of the bathroom while shaking his hair in a towel. All the boys smiled at him and he asked "what happened?" they smiled. Niall said "nothing" Justin said "okay. Uh Where is Kaylea, Harry?" Harry replied "sleeping" then they left.

Justin asked "where do you want to go?" I replied "I don't know" he said "okay well what are you going to wear to the awards?" I replied "well I was thinking maybe a White high/ low dress" he said "you will look gorgeous. I was thinking of black skinny jeans with a white top and a white tux jacket looking thing if we still plan on matching" he came and kissed my cheek. I said "okay well we planned now all we have to do is go and buy the outfits" we decided to go to the mall with the boys and Kaylea.

The boys wanted to drive my car. I said "okay but my car is at my condo" They said "how about you guys drop us off and we will drive your car" I said "okay but you wreck my car I will hurt you guys" they said "we won't plus I'm sure Kaylea will make sure we don't wreck her best friend's car" I said "I'm trusting you guys and remember your life depends on it" I laughed. We drove to the mall. People came up to all of us and asked for autographs which we gave them and took photos with them and we went shopping.

I went into Forever 21 and American Eagle all together I bought 5 pairs of skinny jeans and 3 cropped tops and 2 sweaters/sweatshirts and then we decided to go into a shoe store. I bought a pair of cute blue clothe moccasin looking shoes and Justin bought another pair of Supras. I went into a dress shop and bought a white high/ low dress while Justin went and bought his outfit he met me at the dress store. We went to a high heel store and I bought white heels after we went to meet Niall, Zayn, Harry and Kaylea at the entrance.

We decided to go to Cheddars but we ended up getting ambushed by Paparazzi and that ruined it so we ended up going to get McDonalds and going back to Justin's house. We ate there after we ate I went to go put my stuff in Justin's room. Tomorrow we, the boys, and Kaylea are all going to NYC and we are planning on going to sightsee once we land. Justin and I decided it would be easier if I just spent the night again.

The next morning at 6am Justin's woke me up by kissing my lips which did in fact wake me up. I barely had my eyes open when he said "good morning" I smiled and said "I really want to hit you with a pillow but I want to wake up the boys" he asked "do you still remember that they are hard to wake up?" I said "yeah of course I went touring with my brother and them remember" we walked down the hall and into their room and yelled "wake up guys" they all said in unison even Kaylea "1 more hour"

I said " no we have a plane to catch to New York City and if you guys want to see the city and the girls" I emphasized on girls for Zayn and well I guess Niall too. I continued "Then I suggest you wake up.” Niall and Zayn yelled "I'm up" I said "of course you are now take a shower and get dressed because our flight is in 4 hours and will someone wake up Harry and Kaylea" they said "yeah and of course we have to smell good for the ladies. Right Justin?" and Justin said "yeah we do but I have a keeper" I looked at Niall while he said that and his face went blank.

I remembered when Niall said I was his girl. I guess times do in fact change. I laughed and said "ha" Zayn laughed at me I said "what?" Zayn asked me "Does Pattie know you and Justin are dating yet?" I said "I don't know" Justin said "No I was hoping we could facetime her and tell her on the plane. Before us my mom kept on saying I should have dumped Selena for you. I told her I don't know if she likes me and she would say of course she does and she also said I have to give her at least 1 or 2 grandkids with you" I laughed and said "well she was right besides the kids part we are a little too young for that.”

I kissed him and walked out the door I could tell they were all looking at me especially Niall. I walked into his room and took a shower. I got out, changed, and did my hair. Justin was already ready when I walked out he said "one day I will marry you" I smiled and said "you're lying" he said "no I'm not and I will you are everything I want in a girl you barely wear makeup unless you have to wear alot and you don't wear uggs" I interrupted and said "I do wear uggs but only in the winter" he said "yeah okay I can change that" I said "not going to happen I love my uggs" and he kissed me and said "okay we will see about that"

The Awards Show

We walked out of the car together and the photographers were all asking "so you guys are official?" Justin said "Yes we are.” I saw my brother, Abby, The boys and Kaylea as we were walking inside and their seats were beside us and Justin was nominated for 5 awards and my brother and the boys were nominated for 3 and Justin won 3 the boys also won 3. It was fun after the awards we went out for a late dinner. We ended up going by the hotel first to change and put away their awards.

We all posted on twitter Justin's status ‘@JustElisha you looked amazing tonight and were going to have dinner with the boys, Kaylea and Abby and Liam and thank you and I love you to my fans.’ My Status ‘@JustinBieber I loved our outfits and you looked great. I’m happy were about to have dinner with the boys, Kaylea and my future sister in law Abby and thank you.’

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