Chapter 40:

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A/N: Hey guys im so close to 2.6K and i totally forgot to say thank you for 2.5K. I really hope you enjoy this story i enjoy writing it. Thank you again so much for reading this story. I might or might not update next weekend because i have two ideas for the next chapter. Justin may or may not show up within the next couple of chapters. Who anyways enjoy and thanks again for reading(:

oh and Hold Tight ugh can he not. lol but its a dirty song and Story of My Life why are they so perfect 


I left out of the flat. I got into my car I sat there just to see if he would follow me to my car he didn’t. I began to cry our fights have normally never been this bad ever. Despite us fighting and bickering a lot lately and him being secretive I know I shouldn’t have brought up the picture I should’ve never questioned anything but of course I did. The only actual question I wanted answered was why was he being so secretive lately but he wouldn’t answer anything. He always throws the Justin thing in my face. Justin and I are just friends that’s it nothing more nothing less. I thought about our last bad fight which was over me going to meet Justin at Starbucks and Niall ended up leaving and going to Harry and  Kaylea’s and then we made up later that night. I left this time he didn’t he tried to make me stay just like I did when we first fought this badly. I heard my phone vibrate multiple times. I was lost into my thought but when I finally looked at it 6 missed calls 3 from Kaylea 1 from Niall and 2 from Harry. I didn’t want to talk to any of them right now but I ended up dialing Harry because he barely ever calls me. He picked up and asked “where are you?” I sniffled then said “not in my flat” he softened his tone and asked “were you crying?” I said “yeah is it that obvious?” he said “a bit. Kaylea tried calling you are you okay?” I said “eh I could be better. I take it he called you” he said “yeah he did and he also told me you walked out” I said “yeah I was done arguing even though I started it” he said “well I'm not going to make you tell me the whole story or make you feel bad but Kaylea wants you to call her” I said “okay”. I dialed Kaylea and she asked “where are you?” I said “gosh you two must have been reciting this” she asked “Elisha, where the fuck are you?” I said “in my car right now. Did Harry tell you or did Niall call you too?” she said “both. I told you not to say anything” I said “I know go ahead add that onto my list of things I'm sorry for. Someone is gonna bring it up later” she said “I will not bring it up but why did you?” I said “I had Justin cheat on me and Niall always brings up the whole Justin thing all the time and this fight just escaladed and I was done with it so I left and I'm in my car in the parking lot I just had a little breakdown and I wanted to know why was he being so secretive about everything” she asked “why did you have a breakdown?” I said “why? Oh because on top of me and Niall fighting about a girl and his secrecy lately I have fans saying I need to lose more weight and that I don't deserve Niall” she said “believe it or not you two are good for each other every couple fights and some fights get worse than others but you two have made it past a lot of other obstacles in your relationship. So go inside and make-up” I said “I don't know maybe I should leave for just a night let us both cool down and come back tomorrow because I feel like we might have another argument and I'm not ready for it” she said “you're going back into you guys’ flat and you're going to make up tonight because none of us want you and him upset over a fight and we definitely don't want you two to breakup we don't want a repeat of last time” I hung up the phone after we were done talking and I didn’t want to go inside so I just returned Niall’s phone call it rang once he automatically said “where are you?” I asked “why?” he said “I'm coming to get you” I said “fine just go to your car” he came out the flat building and he saw my car he came and sat in the passenger seat. It was silent and he said “I'm sorry I always throw Justin and that relationship in your face” I said “I'm sorry that I brought the picture up” he said “you were right I shouldn’t be secretive but I have a passcode on my phone so the boys don't get into it and I don't have any picture of us as a lockscreen because I don't have any recent pictures” I said “I overreacted because of what happened with Justin even though I know you're different than him” he said “I know maybe we have been arguing a lot lately because we have spending too much time with each other” I said “I think so but I have a TV show role I have been offered” he said “when?” I said “I haven’t taken it but they want me to act in their show they film here in LA if I take it then they start filming around the time you boys start touring again” he said “so if you take it then you aren’t touring with us” I said “yeah but I don't know if I should because I'm gonna start two of my classes again in the next two weeks” he said “if you think its gonna overwhelm you then don't take it and you can just stay home an extra week and then join us” I said “yeah but if we continue being with each other 24/7 we are going to fight and I hate when we fight” he said “yeah I know but we will be away from each other and you girls can do stuff throughout the day so we aren’t always with each other” I said “I don't know maybe I shouldn’t tour with you maybe it’s too much for our relationship and us” he said “we have overcame so much more than just distance even though that’s kind of what broke us up last time” I said “oh” I know we both didn’t want to think about that time. I said “I have two questions” he said “okay” I asked “why did you everytime I handed you your phone you questioned me about it?” he said “I have been trying to plan something for our 1 year on the 4th of January just so I have it all planned and to make sure nothing interferes” I said “oh I'm sorry I just you know trust issues” he asked “the second question?” I said “oh why do we always go to Kaylea and Harry when we fight?” he said “I don't know maybe it’s because they are close to our age and they're married” I said “so what is it because we are close to them or is it because they understand?” he said “I don't know they don't fight like we do but maybe a bit of both” I guess they did understand and that’s why we always went to them. He asked “are you coming back inside or are you leaving?” he was hesitant for my answer I said “I don't know I mean we are okay right?” he said “yeah” I said “but I don't really want to push it you know” next thing I knew he was kissing me this kiss wasn’t like the others it was needy like he needed me to go inside so he could know everything was definitely good with us. He stopped and looked at me I said “okay I will but I know I need to learn how to communicate with you” he asked “so what was really wrong with you?” I said “nothing really” he said “bullshit what was it?” I couldn’t look him in the eyes while I said “fans just telling me I should lose more weight and I don't deserve you” when I finally did he looked a bit upset so I looked back down to the floor until his finger pulled my chin up in order to look him in the eyes and he said “you don't need to lose weight if you're happy I'm happy and we deserve each other” I said “I love you so much” he smiled and said “I love you too”  

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