Chapter 23:

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~~~~~A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter! Enjoy!!!(: ~~~~~

Two days have passed since the pregnancy scare. I still have been getting sick just not as often as before but on the bright side i'm feeling better. Dr. Horan has been helping me get better. He said he’s a bad cook but since I'm sick I can’t cook. Niall isn’t a bad cook he just doesn’t like cooking. It’s about 5 pm. Niall and I have been sitting on the couch pretty much all day but that’s okay because it has been raining all day. I got up from the couch to find Niall in the kitchen, I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and I said “what are you doing?” he tried to talk normal with food in his mouth he said “nothing.” I said “yeah okay.” I laughed and continued “you could have just brought the food in the living room.” He laughed and said “but junk food isn’t good for sick people.” I laughed and said “it’s not good for you period but we still eat it.” I grabbed his hand and took him back to sit on the couch even with food in his mouth he was cute. I stared at him. He finally looked at me and said “what is there food on my face?” I said “no, you're adorable.” He smiled and said “you know I'm not the only adorable one.” I smiled and he said “you're adorable.” He put the food on the table and began tickling me, I laughed. He ended up pinning me underneath him he smiled then leaned in to kiss me and I moved my head he asked “what was that for?” I said “I'm sick and we can’t afford for you to get sick.” He said “I don't think one kiss will hurt.” I smiled and said “I'm not taking any chances.” He had a pouty face and he said “fine. Go take your medicine.” I gave him a sad face and said “do I have to?” he said “yeah it’s the last time you have to take it.” I said “fine. But since I have to take it I'm not kissing you tomorrow.” He asked “wanna bet?” with a smirk. I said “fine I will but you're lucky I love you.” He laughed and said “I love you too.” I laughed and said “so what are we doing tomorrow?” he said “the weather is supposed to be sunny and 63 degrees.” I asked “can we go to Disneyland?” he looked at me and said “The boys and them and us. We can all go.” I said “yes, can we Skype them. Where are they at?” he replied “I think they’re at Harry and Kaylea’s.” I went to pull up Kaylea’s Skype. After only 2 rings. Harry answered and said “sorry you have reached the voicemail of Kaylea’s Skype” I laughed and said “very funny but Skype doesn’t have voicemail and I was going to invite you guys somewhere but that’s okay me and Niall can go” I heard Louis say “no I wanna know” I said “thank you Louis” I asked “do you guys want to go to Disneyland tomorrow?” they all said “yes!” I heard Abby ask “how are you feeling?” I replied “I feel really good but I have you guys and Niall to thank for helping me feel better” I felt Niall came and sat by me. He said “hey guys” they all replied “hey Niall” I asked “so what are you guys doing?” they said “oh nothing just hanging out with the rest of the boys.” I said “so the Horan’s weren’t invited.” Kaylea asked “Horans?” I said “oh sorry. I mean Horan and younger Payne.” Louis said “uh huh sure you did.” I made a face at Louis and said “let’s not go there mister” he said “I didn’t think you wanted to” I heard Liam ask “so do you feel better?” I said “yeah I do” and Harry said “I bet Niall hasn’t been kissed since Elisha got sick” I looked at Niall and said “actually he has tried but I wouldn’t let him because I can’t afford for him to get sick.” Niall smirked at me and said “yeah I tried a lot but she rejected me.” Harry laughed. I heard Kaylea smack him because he said OW. I laughed and said “that’s what you get." Zayn asked “so Disneyland tomorrow?” I said “yeah” Zayn asked “whose house are we meeting at?” I asked “do you guys want to meet at our place?” Liam said “yeah we should what time does it open?” I said “10 in the morning and it only take like 40 minutes to get there. We will see you guys then.” We got off of Skype. I looked at Niall and he looked at me. I said “I really want to kiss you” he said “then kiss me” I said “I can’t, not until tomorrow I feel normal but I rather wait until tomorrow” he laughed and said “i dont know what one day will do but okay” I laughed and asked “so are you hungry?” he said "duh” I laughed and asked “well what are we going to eat?” he said “how about we go get pizza and some soda and come back and watch movies” I said “Pizza sounds amazing” he laughed. I went and changed out of my sweats and put on some jeans and Niall had done the same we kept our sweatshirts on. It was raining still. I would say that it would be cute like in the movies if we kissed in the rain but he kissed me in the rain before towards the beginning of our relationship and i am sick. He said “stay here. I will go and get the car.” I laughed and said “no I'm coming.” We ran towards the car hand in hand laughing. We got into the car and tried to dry up. We drove to dominos I watched Niall get out of the car and buy the pizza and soda the look on the girl’s face who worked there was priceless. Niall came back to the car and I said “I think you just gave her a heart attack.” He laughed and said “probably but she asked about you.” I smiled and asked “why?” he said “because I guess the rumors are going around that you're sick.” I said “oh” he laughed and said “it’s even on twitter” I laughed and said “I haven’t been on twitter in a while” he said “oh I go on there to look on my feed, follow a few people” I said “and make them fangirl over you” he laughed and said “yeah” he handed me the pizzas and we drove back to the flat. We sat on the couch which seemed to be our new room and ate pizza and watch my recorded TV shows. I made him watch Pretty Little Liars and Switched at Birth. He said “do the other girls watch this?” I said “Abby watches Switched at Birth and Kaylea doesn’t watch any of them.” He asked “and you find it amazing?” I said “yes I do. Don't judge me Niall.” He laughed and said “I wasn’t planning on it” I said “yeah whatever” he smirked and we smiled at each other. We finished watching my shows and we continued laying on the couch and watched keeping up with the kardashians. I said “what if we, the boys and the girls had a TV show. I think we would all have like the best time of our lives and laugh all the time” he said “yeah we would just be laughing and the camera people would hate us because they could never film” I said “yeah it’s a good thing” we both laughed. The next couple of hours we watched movies then I fell asleep on the couch I felt a pair of hands scoop underneath my body and pick me up I opened my eyes enough to see Niall. I mumbled “put me down I can walk” I heard him say “no you're sleepy. You can wake up when I put you in the bed” just then I saw that we entered our room. He put me on the bed. I was fully awake now. I asked “Niall, why didn’t you wake me up?” he said “because you were cute sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up” I said “oh so are you ready for tomorrow?” he said “yeah. Disneyland with the boys” I said “yeah. You know I kinda missed the boys and the girls. They’re family and it’s weird not being around them all the time” he said “I know. I missed them too even the girls” he climbed into bed after changing. He scooted closer to me and put his arms around my waist and we eventually fell asleep.

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber/ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now