Chapter 27:

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I have been the first one to wake up lately I got another text message but it wasn’t Justin it was from the girls. Kaylea’s: “Did you have a conversation with Justin on the carpet?” I replied: “yeah but it was more like an argument” she said: “oh I guess the tweets are about you then” I said: “great…” Abby’s: “Did you and Justin have a conversation?” I replied “yeah but it was an argument” she replied: “the tweets said it all” I said “joy…”. I accidently opened the Justin one it said: “Meet me starbucks on the 11th at 2pm please. We should talk.” I started writing “no” but I thought should I maybe it was best we aren’t enemies because we will see each other at mostly every event but I shouldn’t because he cheated on me with multiple girls and I love Niall.   I decided if I went and didn’t tell Niall the paparazzi would find us eventually and Niall would find out or I couldn’t go and have there be more tweets and awkward meetings. This is hard. I decided to go. Why? I truthfully don't know. I started to hear Niall toss and turn. It was almost noon I decided to wake up Niall. I went and woke him up I said “Niall, wake up and get dressed so we can go eat because me and the girls have plans at 2.” I felt bad for lying to him. He hopped in the shower. I called Kaylea first I said “Kaylea, I need a huge favor I need you and Abby to say we have plans at 2 I'm meeting Justin at a starbucks” she asked “what? Why are you meeting him?” I said “truthfully I don't know why but can you call Abby. Niall is almost done with his shower and he doesn’t know” she said “yeah and you better hope he doesn’t find out Niall hates Justin and Niall is a people person” I said “I know. Thanks”. Niall came out I gave him a quick kiss and said “I love you go get dressed.” He smiled and said “I love you too” while he headed towards the closet. Once I got out of the shower I straightened my hair and I asked Niall I said “what are you wearing?” he said “a sweatshirt and jeans” I said “okay can you get me one of my sweatshirts and a pair of jeans and toms out of the closet oh and my side purse please” he brought them to me. I made a face at him and said “thanks babe” I finished and applied makeup.  I said “it’s almost 1. Do you want me to just drive so I can meet the girls straight after?” he said “if you want to” I said “I will so it will be easier. Are you ready?” he said “yeah” we intertwined our fingers and he grabbed both of our car keys. We ate. We were by our cars outside the resturant I said “I love you I will see you in probably an hour or two” he said “you have said that about 4 times already since we’ve walked out of the restaurant you're starting to make me nervous” I said “sorry I just want you to know I truly do love you” he said “and I love you too. Now go have fun with the girls” We kissed and got into our cars. It was 2 something.  I just arrived at Starbucks and I saw Justin. I can’t go in I lied to Niall this can turn out bad. I got out of the car it was now or never. I opened the door to starbucks. The same starbucks I met Selena in when she told me Justin cheated on me. Justin approached me and said “I didn’t think you were coming” I said “I wasn’t planning on coming but I did” he tried to hug me but I rejected it and went up to order. I ordered a vanilla bean frappe like I normally do. I went and sat down at a table. It was an awkward silence until he said “I miss you” I said “it’s a little too late for that” he said “you didn’t let me explain myself” I said “explain yourself? I caught you or the girl you were sneaking around with” he said “it was a mistake I'm sorry” I said “a mistake? Mistakes are a onetime thing like I made a mistake ever getting with you in the first place. See it’s not going to happen again it was a mistake.” He said “I'm really sorry I love you.” I laughed and said “no you don't. You didn’t. When you truly love someone you don't cheat” he asked “how are you and Niall?” I said “you're changing the subject because I'm right and we’re great. How are you and what girl are you with today?” he said “I'm not with anyone” I said “wow that’s a shocker” i took a drink of my frappe. He asked “why didn’t you call me a cheater or anything when people ask you about me?” I said “because that’s not how I am” he said “I'm truly sorry for everything” I replied harshly “I don't care. I don't forgive you. I don't hate you. But you shouldn’t be apologizing to me. You should apologize to Niall” he said “he would probably punch me if I did” I said “I know but you did it to yourself” he said “you left the sweatshirt” I said “I'm aware I did it on purpose” I guess the paparazzi figured out we met because I saw a whole bunch of flashes I was sure they got pictures. I said “I have to go. This is it were not friends. This wasn’t anything. Don't try to ruin my relationship because I truly do love him” I made my way to my car. The paparazzi were saying “Cheating on Niall with your ex” “wow you're low” “Niall’s princess is cheating” “can’t believe this would your brother be happy” “Niall will probably break up with you”. I got into my car and cried they were right I'm low I lied to Niall, my brother would be mad at me, Niall would probably break up with me but they were wrong about one thing I didn’t cheat nor did I plan too. I logged into twitter and went to trending topics the picture of us was already top news I was sure Niall saw it. I went and looked into my mentions. I read them they said “You're a slut” “you don't deserve Niall” “I hate you” “you're ugly” “I hope Niall breaks up with you” “no one likes you”. I couldn’t do this I can’t go back to the flat. I called Kaylea and Abby on three way and I told them to meet me at the beach. I drove there and the girls were there. I walked down by the sand and sat down they came and sat down by me. I told them everything. The hate, the lying, the paparazzi. I cried and said “maybe they're right maybe I don't deserve him.” They said “no they’re wrong you two love each other and don't let the hate get to you”. After the girls and I sat on the beach for awhile I noticed this was the only time I was without having paparazzi stalking me or the rest of the girls. I decided it was time to finally go back to the flat.

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