Chapter 56:

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A/N: Hey guys im really sorry it's been really hectic in my life right now lol anyways i hope to get back on track with updating again sorry i said i would update yesterday but hey 5.4K thank you guys so much(:


I woke up to hearing the door open I wasn’t really sure as to who it was but I grabbed my phone off the side table and tip-toed down the hallway. I heard the door close and the person run into the tables by the couches. They started cussing “fuck, for fucks sakes, fucking damn, we need to get rid of this fucking table” I started laughing, it was Niall.

I turned on the light and there he was slumped over holding his knee. He looked up and said “are you just going to look at me or are you going to ask if I'm okay? Damn.” I replied “whoa I know you ran into a table but you woke ME up. So if you need me then come and wake me back up” and I turned around to walk back into our room. He yelled “wait” I turned to face him and said “yes, Niall” he replied “come here” I walked over and he started walking towards me if you could classify his limping as walking of course.

He grabbed me by the waist and leaned in for a kiss I laughed afterwards and said “well I'm glad it was you and not someone else but you deserve to get hurt for waking me up so fucking early” he laughed and said “well I guess it’s only fair” I grabbed his hand and led him back to the room. He said “what do you have in mind since you are already leading me back to the room?” I replied “sleep, not sex. SLEEP.” He laughed and said “I think I got it you want sleep not sex” I said “well maybe sex too but after we wake up.”

He chuckled and I laughed he said “god I missed you” I replied “it was like two days” he looked at me and said “more like three but I get it.” He went to get changed I said “we have plans for dinner tonight” he replied “uh really? I already made plans with the other boys” I said “but I made plans with Fredo for dinner” he replied “we can reschedule” I replied “but we always go with the boys”

he replied “no I meant we reschedule with the boys because we do always go with them” I kinda nervous laughed and said “oh sorry” he said “why are you apologizing? If you want to make it up to me you can you know” I said “I swear every time you get off the plane you are always wanting sex” he laughed and said “no, you just look really attractive right now”

I looked down to see what I was wearing and said “I'm wearing your white v neck with underwear it’s so attractive” I rolled my eyes.  He replied “but it’s not any underwear you are wearing lace again” I laughed and said “it’s just lace nothing special” he replied “but you make it look special” I asked “how am I supposed to take that?” he chuckled and said “I just said you make lace look special so the good way” he kissed me on the cheek. I asked “can we go to sleep?” he said “yeah lay down” I said “but I want to lay down on your chest”

he asked “did you miss me?” I said “of course I mean I do love you sometimes” I smiled. He came and laid down I put my head on his chest. I said “Kaylea and Harry go later on today to see what they're having” he asked “really?” I lifted myself up a little and looked up at him and said “yes we get to know after their parents but god am I excited” he smiled and said “it seems like she just found out she was pregnant” I replied “yeah her and Eleanor. I wonder what Louis and Eleanor are having” he started humming.

I hit his chest and said “tell me NOW” he smiled and said “a boy….the Tommos are having a boy.” I asked him “do you Kaylea and Harry are having a girl or boy?” he said “I'm thinking a boy” I replied and said “I honestly don't know I want them to have a boy but I want them to have a girl” he replied “well either way it doesn’t matter to you” I said “well yeah in a way I guess” he laughed, I asked “Are you laughing at me?” he chuckled and said “yes, you make no sense this early in the morning.”

I laid my head back on his chest and he said “we have to have a boy” I replied “don't tell me tell yourself” he laughed. I said “and this is why I'm not a morning person because you like to have a serious talk in the mornings and I just can’t do it” he shook his head and said “I was just saying we have to have a boy” I replied “and what if it’s a girl?” he said “but…” I interrupted and said “that would be your little girl. So don't lie to yourself Horan.” He nodded his head and said “alright you're right” I said “exactly, let’s sleep because I will not make any sense in a couple more minutes.”

I woke up to 4 text messages, 1 missed phone call, and one voice message, half of the texts from Harry all of the rest from Kaylea. I called Kaylea and said “I want to know now” she laughed and said “first, where is Niall?” I pushed him he woke up and said “hmmm what” I went back to the phone and said “awake now.” I put them on speaker phone, and Kaylea said “we are having a….” I said “don't test me tell me what my god child is” Niall corrected me saying “our god child” Kaylea said “I was going to let Harry god you're so impatient” I replied “you should know this by now. But go on tell us”

she said “like I was saying we are having a…” Harry finished her sentence saying “BOY” I said “awww he is going to be so cute” she said “we figured out that and god help us all” I replied saying “god I'm so excited. Have you guys decided how you're telling everyone?” she said “we were thinking something personal not very public like a magazine or anything” I asked “what about you guys doing  a picture of you two with you guys holding the ultrasound to your belly?” she said “that’s cute I love it”

I replied “And your instagrams are both hooked up to your twitters. I can take it or whatever but I'm definitely getting to post a picture of us and your belly” she laughed and said “god I'm gonna have such a big belly” I laughed and said “but the baby will be so cute” she said “yeah, what do you and Niall have planned?” I replied “we have dinner with Alfredo to go to later” she said “ah gotcha about Justin? Or?”

I said “um just a get together but we are probably going to talk about a meeting or whatever” she said “well let me know how it goes talk to you later” I said “yeah I will text you bye.” I turned to Niall and said “we should get ready huh?” he chuckled and said “we have time to kill so” I said “oh right sorry babe” we did have time to kill and by that we “caught” up. 

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