Chapter 4: New Years Eve/ New Years

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~~~~~Authors Note: Hey guys sorry if this isnt good i just thought i should add it in since its New Years Eve/ New Years. Hope you like it sorry if it doesnt make since with the chapters before or the next chapter. Thank you for reading.~~~~~

New Years Eve

since Justin, the boys, and the girls all had off tomorrow we decided we should stay in NYC we thought we should sightsee a bit more. We rode a ferry to The Statue of Liberty and all took a group picture right when the sun was setting it was an amazing photo of all of us but I couldn't help but tell Niall was a little bit different from his normal carefree self. I decided maybe I should talk to him. I walked over to Niall.

I said "Hey Niall" Niall replied" uh hey Elisha" I asked" what's been bugging you lately?" he looked at me and bit his lip before saying "ummm...nothing really" I said "Niall, were best friends. We were in love with each other so I know when something is bugging you" I said with a whisper voice for the last part he looked at me with his blue eyes and said "yeah that's just it Elisha were best friends and I still love you....." he whispered.

I didn’t know what to say but I know I had to say something so I said "Niall this can't be happening right now and we both know this but if it means anything I miss you...." With that I got up and left I couldn't believe I said that. I walked back to Justin he said "hey babe we were getting ready to come get you so we can head back to the hotel to get ready for new years" I said "oh okay well I'm here. Are you guys excited for new years?"

A couple of hours later

we decided to walk to Times Square I couldn't help but look for Niall. Justin asked "who are you looking for?" I said " one" he said "okay stick by me and the boys okay?" I said "yeah okay." We finally made it with 3 minutes to spear everyone recognized who we all were and led us towards where all the other celebrities were. We walked toward them by that time we had 20 seconds left.

I finally found Niall he was by Harry and Liam we made eye contact but he was the one who looked away and with that 5 seconds were left Justin looked me in the eyes and the countdown reached 0 and he kissed me until everyone said "Happy New Year" everyone was kissing each other but I saw Niall in the back in between the boys who were still kissing their girlfriends/fiancés and that was it.

We walked back to the hotel I held hands with Justin who was just making sure we all got back safely just like Liam was who was by the way in the front with Abby. We reached the hotel when I heard Harry and Liam say "Abby and Kaylea can you two go upstairs we want to talk to Niall" they said "okay tell Nialler he can always talk to us." With that being said I said “Justin I'm going to go talk with the girls" he said "okay babe" I waited for the girls by their rooms.

I said "guys we have to talk like ASAP." They said "okay" they opened the door. I started talking "I told Niall when we were by the statue of liberty I missed him because he told me he still loved me but I told him that it shouldn't be happening....and I don't know what to do" they said "Elisha, all the boys still know you guys love each other you aren't fooling anyone but Justin who is completely oblivious." I said "yeah I do still love him but we can't just continue that we don't exist because I'm with Justin I miss him being my best friend."

They said "well then did you tell him that?" I said "I couldn't he looked at me with hope in his eyes. I can't just look at the boy I love and tell him no us, we, or whatever we are can't happen because I'm with Justin who is only half as charming and loving as he is." They looked at me blankly and said "you haven't told anyone this but us have you?" I said "are you crazy I have to hide the fact that I even dated Niall from everyone except our family and you guys." With that being said I said "bye guys I hear the boys coming I'm just gonna go to my room." I left.

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