Chapter 44:

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She said "its not true so i wont admit it" I lied and said "and i dont want your help" she said "yes Justin you do if you didnt why are you trying to make me stay" I lied again and said "im not" she said "yes you are everytime i go to leave you tell me to stay" I said "and everytime i say for you to admit you love me you wont" she said "i dont love you" i said "yes you do just admit it and i will admit anything to you" she said "i dont love you" i believe she does but she loves him more so she wont say anything. She just sat there she didnt say anything I asked "Elisha, are you just going to sit there?" She said "what do you want me to say i don't love you and if i said it then im lying" she glanced at her phone's lockscreen and continued "because i love him" i said "but you love me too don't you" i dont know if it was a question and i said it she lowly said "no" i didn't say anything but i went up and hugged her. She asked "what was that for?" I said "You're still indecisive and i can tell you're having a war with yourself about this" she didnt say anything she didnt have to i know her well enough to know that she was having a war with herself...does she love me that way. She said "i cant do this" I asked "what?" she said "this back and forth thing we were fine just being friends and i always have to come back to help you. I should be at my flat cleaning and getting ready to go to Australia to meet up with the boy i love not here trying to help my ex boyfriend through his problems." I shook my head she was right but i want her to admit she still loves me and but i aggravatedly said "then go and do just that" she said "no i cant because it isnt going to do you any good but get you sucked back into drinking and drugs" i lied and said "im fine just leave" she said "fine? Really Justin because look around this house a year ago do you think this would have been where you were?" I said "no i would have thought that we would be sitting on the couch laughing and talking about us" she asked "so you wouldnt have seen yourself drinking or into drugs again?" She ignored my answer. I said "no i wouldnt have" she asked "now whose fault is it that youre in this place?" I said "mine" she said "now you tell me everything you have on your mind and things you need to get off your chest" i cant she would never leave or never talk to me again either way it wouldnt do one of us any good. I still love her and just her presence makes me love her more but it makes my heart ache. I have tried to drink her and the memories away but they wont go away. She looked at me expecting me to say something. I said "you should go back to your flat and go see Niall" she said "Justin..." I said "im fine" she blurted "i love you i do but im in love with him i love him. You need to know that we are just friends and you still being in love with me while i love him will do nothing but hurt you" she said it i didnt know what to say i wanted her to say she loved me but she said she is in love with him and she was right it would do nothing but hurt me actually it is doing nothing but hurting me. I said "youre right but i love you and im in love with you and i just cant forget us and the memories. We were happy" she said "you were happy. You cheated on me you lost my trust and you hurt my feelings." I said "and i apologized for that" she said "an apology isnt anything compared to what you did. I have trust issues and i still have a hard time fully trusting Niall and i should trust him i know he wouldnt cheat but yet there is still a part of me that believes so and that's because of you" she was right. I did her wrong but the songs they say everything if only she knew they were about her. She was getting ready to leave and i quickly said "the songs they are all about you" she nodded and said "i know. Let me know when you need my help" and with that she left i needed her help but i shouldnt bug her she is happy truly happy and she deserves that even if i am still in love with her.

A/N: Second update today yay. I might update sometime next week or weekend depending if i have time to write and or inspiration. Thank you for reading(:

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