Chapter 31:

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 ~~~~~~Hey Guys, sorry it took a long time i think i might take some time off of writing to do some more chapters due to me having plans and my sister is leaving really soon for deployment and to catch up on my fanfictions lol but i will try and post or write alot since im on summer break.. Thank you guys for reading hope you like it and enjoy the chapter.~~~~~~

After Justin left. I announced “well that was interesting” he said “yeah, I had fun” I laughed and said “let me see your hand” he lifted his hand and put it in mine. I said “your knuckles are starting to bruise” he said “it will be fine” I got up and went into our kitchen to get ice in a bag for Niall’s knuckles. I came back to the living room and gave the bag to Niall. He said “thanks my med student” I almost forgot about being in medical school I guess it was just an instinct to get something for Niall because he was hurt. I said “welcome. So I take it I'm driving to Kaylea and Harry’s?” he said “no I can drive” I said “no I'm driving. I can’t wait to tell them what happen” he said “Harry is going to laugh and Kaylea is going to be like he deserved it” I said “yeah I know he did deserve it and thanks for everything and I'm sorry about yesterday” he said “you don't have to thank me. And that was yesterday but just remember our promise” I said “I do and I'm pretty sure he understands to leave us alone” he chuckled I asked “ready to go?” he grabbed the keys off the table. I went and grabbed the keys out of his hand and said “I'm driving” he said “I can drive” I said “I don't care. I'm driving.” We arrived at Kaylea and Harry’s. Niall was getting ready to knock until he realized he couldn’t without bruising his knuckles even more. I knocked on the door and they both opened the door. We gave each other hugs and walked in. We went and sat in their living room. Niall still had the ice bag to his hand. Harry asked “Niall, why do you have that on your hand?” Niall said “I punched someone or more like something” Harry laughed and asked “who?” I said “Justin” Kaylea said “oh my gosh” she laughed then continued “really he deserved it” Harry asked “Where did you punch him?” Niall said “in his jaw and again in his cheek” Harry laughed and said “I hope you got him good” I said “yeah he did” Niall said “the boxing lessons you taught me worked pretty good punching him” Harry laughed. We decided to go on a double date to In-n-Out Burger. We all hopped in the car and drove to In-n-Out. We sat and talked about a lot like when we all first met and how our first dates were and how they asked us out it was really good to just sit down like normal people and talk about things like nothing was different. Once we got done we exit out the restaurant and we all agreed to go to the beach and just hangout. We got into our cars and drove to the beach. The paparazzi was there but they were tracking down other people I mean they are everywhere in LA. We went and sat down in the sand we kinda sat and looked into the ocean or well beyond it. We all just sat there for a while until I decided to lay down and they also did I said “so Kaylea, when did you first know you loved Harry?” she said “I think it was after I saw him perform. I really liked him before then but he was so into performing and making sure the fans loved it that I realized I loved him” Niall said “so Harry, your turn.” Harry said “When she came to the concerts and just be there no matter what and how she was so supportive and how she tries to get me to meet every fan we see when we went out” Kaylea said “Elisha, Your turn. Spill.” I laughed and said “I don't know it just kind of happened but I would say a little after we met because of how easy going and adorable he was. Whatever I chose to do he was there to support me and I was there for him.” Harry said “Niall, your turn to tell us” Niall said “I have to say when I met her because she was so herself whether you liked it or not she spoke and still does speak her mind she doesn’t care and she loves the fans almost as much as me and she is supportive.” I stared at him and asked “When we broke up did you stop?” he said “are you kidding…it made me miss you more and I always loved you and always will” I said “I love you too”. We all sat up and decided it was time to go. Niall and I held hands I asked “do you want to drive?” he asked “are you going to let me?” I said “if you want you can” he said “no I don't want to bruise my hand more from a car that car probably hurt 10x more than punching Justin” I laughed and saw a flash. I looked around to see a lot of paparazzi taking pictures of Harry and Kaylea and one were taking pictures of Niall and I. We quickly got in the car and drove off. 

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