Chapter 14:

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~~~~~~~Authors note: sorry guys the next update probably wont be until maybe monday or tuesday. Thanks for reading. Enjoy Chapter 14(: ~~~~~~~

It was Christmas. I decided maybe it was time I called my family and the rest of the boys I guessed Niall thought the same thing. I put one of Niall's sweatshirts on and a pair of American eagle skinny jeans and some cute socks I went to where Niall was. He was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt he looked up at me and said "nice sweatshirt" he smirked I looked at him and said "thanks but the persons who sweatshirt this is doesn't know how adorable he is" I smiled and so did he. He said "yeah well that girl wearing it doesn't know how pretty she is and how much I missed her." I blushed he always knew complimenting me made me blush. I looked and said "I think we should call the boys and my parents" he looked at me and said "I think we should too." We decided to Skype them. I dialed Liam from Niall's username. As soon as it dialed Liam picked up and said "hey Ni-Elisha" what are you doing at Niall's?" I said "urmmm... I'm gonna have Niall talk to you while I go fix my hair" Liam looked at me confused but Niall ended up coming behind me and saying "hey Liam I guess your sister wants me to explain" *Niall's POV* I looked at Liam and explained everything that happened between Justin and Elisha he looked at me and said "so they broke up?" I said "yeah and she moved in here." I was a little nervous to hear what he was going to say but he said "as long as she isn't still with that little jerk. I don't care but Niall don't blow your chance with her." I looked at him in the camera and said "I'm not planning on it." He looked and said "Niall take care of her while we are still here and if you guys want. Mum said you guys can come back here for New Years." I said "I will have to talk to Elisha about it but yeah we will come." *END OF Niall's POV* *Elisha's POV* I came back for fixing my hair and Niall and Liam were still talking. I take it Liam took it well. I walked back over to the computer and said "hey bubby" he laughed and said "I remember when you were 6 and you walked around calling me that all the time and when I was mad at you all you said was bubby and I forgave you." I looked at him and said "do you forgive me now?" he said "I will always love you no matter and no matter how annoying you are. But you are still my sister. I told Niall the mum said if you guys wanted you can come back for New Years." I looked at Niall and asked him "do you want to go?" he said "of course I do. I love your family" I looked back at Liam and said "yeah we will come back but we are gonna come the 31st if that's okay with mum." He looked at our mum and told her she said it was fine. After that we ended up ending the call. I have to admit no matter how much my family annoys me sometimes I love them. I looked at Niall who was staring at me and said "what?" he said "what were you thinking about?" I said "us. If we are an us?" he looked at me and said "in my house we always were an us. And we will be an us officially and publically in 1 week and 6 days. Do you want to call my mom?" I looked at him and said "okay in 1 week and 6 days we will be and I would love to because I haven't talk to her in forever." He looked at me and said "she missed you." I said "well then let's call her" *Niall's phone said Dialing Mum* She answered and said "hey Niall. Merry Christmas." He said "hey mum. Elisha and I are spending Christmas at the flat. We thought we would call." She said "you and Elisha?!?" I said "hi Mrs. Maura" she said "oh hi honey I haven't heard from you in awhile. How are you and that one boy?" I knew she was talking about Justin. I said "oh I know it's been a while and we have broken up but it's okay I actually feel better now that it's over." She said "oh honey that's great. Now I hope you and Niall can get back together." He said "Mum! We are in 1 week and 6 days" I said "I told Niall I want to wait at least 2 weeks before we get back together. Or well for the first time in public." She said "oh honey that's a perfect amount of time. Well I have to start cooking." We said "okay. Bye" he said "bye mum love you." She said "love you too honey. Bye Elisha. Hope to see you soon." We ended the Skype conversation I looked at Niall. I said "you miss her don't you?" he said "yeah I do." I said "we should go see her when we go for new years." He looked at me and said "do you know how far it is?" I said "yeah it's 225 miles away from Wolverhampton." He looked at me and said "I want to see them but I want us to be together" I said "Niall we won't be able to be together until at least the 7th" he said "but Elisha please can we be together when we go." I said "Niall, only on one condition." He said "what's the condition?" I said "you have to tell the public we are together." He said "okay that's fine and management wants us together so it's perfect."

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