Chapter 49:

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A/N: Hi guys i decided to post 49 in honor of 3.6K im sooooo happy thank you guys so much. In 48 i asked if we could get it to 3.4K oh my gosh im really happy sorry. I will more than likely update Saturday too lol. One of my new years resolution is to finish this story hopefully after my birthday so i can start the next one which not telling yet but i will if at least one person comments other then Kaylea(: lol anyways i really hope you enjoy this chapter. I went through my memories and stuff from 2013 and man was it one good year it had alot of down though but you live and you learn. Anyways i really hope 2014 is full of happiness and love and concert tickets. lol

She said “yeah he does and I can’t do anything to help him because he is so hardheaded” she laughed and so did I. I said “yes he is he wouldn’t admit he wanted me to help him” she said “of course he gets that from someone else” I asked “was he always hardheaded?” she said “yes he was ever since he was little” I wonder what it would be like if we had stayed together and if he would let me in on his problems. Pattie asked “so how did it go?” I said “it was an adventure I guess. We solved a bit but solved nothing at the same time” she said “let me guess he said he didn’t want your help and then he tried to put the blame on you” I said “yes exactly except I told him things that he caused for me too” she said “good he needs to know the truth and that he needs to take the blame for his actions” I said “yes he does but you could say I could’ve handled it better” she asked “how?” I said “I could’ve not thrown it in his face that he wasn’t the Justin I loved or that I couldn’t do this back and forth thing where we are friends and then I always have to help him through his problems” she said “but you have to remember that he needed the brutal truth or else he couldn’t have seen what he has turned into” I agreed and said “yeah but he said it was my fault and it's constantly replaying in my head” she said “it isn’t your fault so don't blame yourself it’s the pressure, heartbreak, the loss of Avalanna and he is still trying to find himself” I asked “why isn’t it my fault? I caused his heartbreak.” She said “because maybe you did show him heartbreak but you did show him love and what it felt to be in love” I said “but I didn’t fully because I loved Niall” she said “but you love him and he didn’t know what he had until you were gone which is exactly why he made the choice to try and drink you away or do drugs to forget about the problems for just a minute” I was on the verge of tears. I weakly said “I can’t be there for him like I should be or how he needs me to be and I love him but I'm in love with Niall” she said “yes I'm very aware and you two are great together. I think what Justin needs is just for him to know that you forgive him or else he won’t forgive himself.” I said “but he is still trying to figure out who he is and who he wants to be and I feel like if I don't say something he won’t be able to move on” she said “but before you forgive him you have to forgive yourself. It isn’t your fault that he is there it’s his and you can’t continue to feel sorry for Justin because you followed your heart. Just remember you are happy and in love now with someone who you feel like you can trust” I said “I will. I'm going to call Alfredo now” She said “alright bye honey call when you can” I said “of course.” I dialed Alfredo’s number. He picked up and said “Elisha, what’s going on?” I said “nothing much. Are you still with Justin?” he said “yeah he is taking a shower. Why?” I asked “what did he tell you about what happened?” he said “that he was a jerk and he shouldn’t have let you leave without you forgiving him” I asked “so what about his hand?” he said “well Justin told me he was aggravated at himself, you and pretty much his life so he barely punched the wall before he went to the basement and punched the punching bag” I asked “so his hand how bad is it?” he said “eh only a few scratches and its bruised but nothing much” I asked “do you know how to help him?” he took a moment to think then replied “no I don't think we can help him I think the only person who can help Justin is Justin.” I asked “how are we going to do that?” he said “we? So you’re still on the team” I laughed and said “always” he said “he misses you…” I said “I know. I just don't know what to do or how to help him without getting attached again” Fredo said “I know but we just have to try and help him without getting him worse” I said “I know but I have to get out there before they send someone to see if I was kidnapped” we laughed. He said “alright I will keep you updated” I said “make sure he cleans that house” he laughed and said “alright miss. OCD” I said “no I learned that it has to be life controlling in medical school” he said “oh right I forgot my little med.” I laughed and said “whatever” I heard Justin’s voice saying “Fredo dude who are you talking to?” Alfredo said “Elisha”

A/N: the conversation will continue i just thought i would stop it here anyways just wait until Saturday guys(:

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