Chapter 16:

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Niall and I got back to my parents house. Liam asked "are you guys staying in the same room or separate?" I looked at Niall and said "Niall, which one?" he asked "do you want to stay together?" I said "sure" I looked at Liam and said "we will stay in the same room." We hugged my parents. It was time to go to sleep by the time we unpacked. I went to talk to the girls before Niall and I went to our room. I walked in and said "hey guys." They smiled and said "Elisha, no you know." I said "guys that isn't going to happen in my parent's house." They laughed and said "tell Niall no" I said "I was kinda planning on it." Abby looked at me and said "Elisha, Liam wants you guys to have a brother sister day tomorrow" I said "tell him to wake me up early so I can get ready. Night guys" I left. Liam and I haven't had a brother sister day since before the x factor it was hard to believe how far the boys had come in just 2 almost 3 years. I reached my old room and walked throug the door and went straight to my suitcase and got out a concert t-shirt and a pair of black sweats. Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head in the crook of my neck I asked "did you change into your pajamas?" he told me in my ear "no, I was waiting for you." He turned me around to face him and he smiled and said "Do you remember when we went to this concert?" I said "yes, and it was amazing. Do you remember when I begged you to buy me this shirt?" he laughed and said "yes, the boys told me I better buy you that shirt or you would have been mad at me the whole concert" I laughed and said "it's a good thing you listened to them." He leaned down and kissed me. We smiled half way through the kiss. When we stopped he went over to his suitcase and picked out a Jack Willis shirt and a pair of sweats. I went to lie down and he came over to my side and wrapped his arms around me. He started to kiss my neck but I turned around to face him and said "no, not in my parent's house with my brother and bestfriends like next door." He laughed and said "Elisha, I'm pretty sure your brother has done it in this house." I looked at him and said "I'm pretty sure of it too but I don't even wanna think about that." He said "okay babe but as soon as we get back to the states you are mine......officially." I smiled and said "if you're looking for an argument you are not going to get one." I turned back around and we went back to cuddling I asked "can I turn on the TV I can't sleep without it unless you want to sing to me" I could feel him smiling and he started singing little things he sang "Your hand fits in mine. Like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind. It was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me...........You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh." He sang and by the time he finished with his part I was sleeping. The morning of the 31st I woke up to Niall not there. Today was me and my brother's day. I walked to my suitcase and got my clothes picked out I went to the loo and took a shower I got out and got dressed then blow dried my hair and straightened it. I still continued to wonder where Niall was. I walked downstairs to find Niall sitting by the island eating cereal I went over to kiss him on the cheek and asked "why did you leave me?" he said "I'm sorry. I got hungry and I thought you would wake up soon. Liam is getting dressed. Are you ready for your brother sister day?" I laughed and said "its fine I was just worried and okay and yes it will be the first time in 2 almost 3 years." He smiled and I heard Liam walking down the stairs he looked at me and said "morning I had to tell Abs that we are leaving. You ready?" I smiled and said "yeah Bubby lets go." I said bye to Niall and got into the car I looked at the time it was 12pm. I looked at him and said "what do you want to talk about Mr. One Direction?" he laughed and said "how about we start with you?" I laughed and said "okay you ask the question" he laughed and said "So you and Justin split?" I said "yeah. He cheated on me four times....." he shook his head and said "yet you stayed with him." I said "yeah I did I think maybe he was a rebound and I knew he would cheat even though he said he wouldn't but he did and it's over." He said "that's okay he didn't deserve you. Niall missed you though and it killed him to log on twitter and see pictures of you and Justin." I said "yeah I know the girls would tell me. I think it is your turn." I asked him "so are you excited planning your wedding?" he smiled and said "yeah I'm really excited it's coming up soon." I said "I have to admit I can't even wait!!!!" he said "of course not. You have wanted this for us forever." I laughed and said "of course." We arrived at a Chinese restaurant and sat down and ate me and my brother caught up on life. Once we got back into the car he continued on my relationships. He asked "so you and Justin did it?" I was a bit embarrassed and said "ummm....yeah." He asked "was he your first?" we were really close to the house I said "no." we parked into the drive way and he asked "who was?" I said "Niall." I jumped out of the car and saw who was in the living room Harry, Niall, Abby and Kaylea. My parents were at work. I yelled into the living room and said "Sorry Niall." I ran upstairs and I heard Liam downstairs. *Niall's POV* I was sitting down waiting for Elisha and Liam to get home when I heard the front door open and I saw Elisha's hair and she yelled as she was going up the stairs "Sorry Niall" I was confused for a minute until I heard Liam come in he looked confused until he saw me and said "My sister?" I looked at him confused and said "what?" he said "you took my sister's innocence." Harry was laughing until I heard Kaylea slap him then he quit Kaylea and Abby went upstairs and I replied "Liam, she wanted to." He said "so you did. You took her innocence?" I said "Liam, I did. I thought she would tell you earlier." He looked at me and smiled and said "as long as it wasn't Justin." I felt better knowing he took it well. I heard the girls come down stairs. I spotted Elisha. She came over and sat next to me I could tell she was nervous. *ELISHA's POV* The girls came upstairs and asked me what that was about I said "We were in the car and Liam asked me if me and Justin did it I said yeah then I got nervous and he asked if Justin was my first I said no Niall was and I left and came inside." They laughed and said "that is gonna be a nice conversation between Niall and Liam." We ended up going back downstairs I was a bit nervous about what went on after I left. I went and sat by Niall. I thought he was mad until I felt his arm go around my waist he whispered "warn me next time babe." I smirked and I heard Harry say "So Elisha. Niall and Justin?" I heard him say ow which I knew Kaylea smacked his arm. I laughed and said "Harry, we are not about to sit here and talk about our sex lives." Liam said "what was that though you said Niall and then you ran out of the car." I said "I got nervous give me a break." We all laughed. We ended up getting dressed comfy. We were all in sweats and a t-shirt we sat back and watched a couple of movies until it was 12am. After watching the new Nicholas Sparks movie we all went upstairs and layed down to sleep. Niall and I stayed up for a bit and talked I said "I'm sorry I got nervous and I didn't want him to think it was with Justin." He laughed and said "its fine. I'm glad you told him it was me but you could have warned me." I laughed and said "sorry babe. I'm tired." I went to my side and I felt Niall creep over he wrapped his arms around me and began to hum little things in my ear. He kissed my cheek and said "goodnight princess. I love you." I mumbled "goodnight babe. I love you too." We fell asleep.

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