Chapter 29:

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A/N: Hey guys . I have been having really bad writers block lately and on top of that i have barely had time to write but im going to try and write at least 3 chapters and just post them within at least a week of eachother. Thanks for reading and the reads and votes. Thanks it means alot. Well enjoy this chapter. (:


Kaylea said “I know that but he doesn’t.” I announced “it’s just complicated and I made it this way” she said “no you didn’t it’s just a misunderstanding” I said “a misunderstanding that caused Niall to leave and both of us to cry” she said “Elisha, you guys have to talk about this. You guys can’t just run away from your problems” I said “I know but….” She challenged “but what? You don't even know do you?” I said “no” she said “this is exactly why you two should talk.” I asked “what if he doesn’t want to even talk or look at me?” she said “it’s just a chance you will have to take” Kaylea then got up and walked into the hallway. She probably went to call Harry or my brother. I really don't even know I can’t think straight. She came back. We continued talking it felt better to vent because I can’t vent to Niall about hate or paparazzi or even school work. I don't want to worry him about the hate or paparazzi because the hate isn’t that bad but I am used to paparazzi but school work is a little overwhelming sometimes. I went to our room. I guess I can still call it our room. Right? I heard someone knock at the door while I was just shuffling around in there I assumed Kaylea got it because I heard whoever it was walk in. I heard mutters and decided to walk in the sitting area where they were. I walked through the hallway to find Niall and Harry sitting on the couch Harry acknowledged me and Niall looked down at the floor. I went and sat in a chair on the other side of the couch. There was an awkward silence until Harry said “Guys, let’s not all talk at once” Truthfully what am I supposed to say. I'm sorry? I shouldn’t have gone? Can we talk? I miss you? I love you? There were about a million thoughts going through my head right now. Kaylea said “Niall and Elisha, you guys need to talk.” Harry agreed. They started whispering to each other and I just sat there so did Niall until they got up to leave. I asked “where are you going?” they said “we are leaving you two to talk things out I expect a happy and loving couple tomorrow” I really wished things would happen like that but Niall hasn’t even once looked me in my eyes. They left it was silent until he whispered “I hate when we fight…” I agreed and said “me too.” He then asked “so why did you meet him?” I admitted “I thought I could solve something maybe make him leave us alone” he asked “do you miss him?” I said “no” he continued “do you love him?” I said “oh my god no” he chuckled. I smiled. I went and moved to the couch by him. He grabbed my hand and said “promise me the next time you try to solve something we talk about it first.” I said “I promise” He kissed my cheek. I was a bit nervous to ask but I did I asked “so are we okay?” he said “yes were okay”. I was tired from crying and he began to yawn. I decided to say “I'm tired. Do you want to lie down?” he pulled me up and held my hand and helped me walk to our room. We laid on the bed for a second I think we both thought maybe makeup sex was a must. After we had makeup sex we fell asleep *Dream* I heard Kaylea say “Elisha, it’s been a couple of days since the breakup I think it’s time you left the flat” I said “no I can’t leave” Abby said “Elisha, come on we are here with you it will be fine” I said “I can’t. I don't feel like myself. You guys just don't understand”. I then jolted awake and I felt Niall flinch. The next thing I knew he was awake and asked “what’s wrong?” My eyes began to water and I said “I had a dream that the girls were telling me to leave the flat and that it’s been a few days since the breakup and…” he said “well it was just a dream. I'm here and we’re together”

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber/ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now