Chapter 13:

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~~~~~~ Authors Note: Hey guys sorry i skip ahead alot but i hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading!!!!~~~~~


Happy Holidays!!!! All the signs said as we were walking through the airport to board our flights to go to my parents for the holidays. Zayn& Perrie and Eleanor& Louis are going to their family houses. While the rest of us always go to my parents for the holidays every other year. This time I'm taking Justin my parents haven't met him yet they met all my other boyfriends but they only liked Niall. We boarded our flight and we all slept the whole way. We reached London and we got into our rental car and headed towards my parents house. We arrived and my parents said hi and gave hugs it finally approached me and Justin. I introduced them. I could tell my parents didn't like him. The girls went to help in the kitchen while the boys went tree looking I stopped and asked mum "you don't like him. Do you?" she looked at me and said "Elisha, he isn't right for you." I said "no mum no one is right for me. Right?" she said "Elisha, there is. It just isn't him" I said "of course not mum you didn't even give him a shot. I assume dad feels the same way!" she said "yes, your father and I feel the same way." I looked at the girls realizing they were there the whole time. The boys came back and I walked upstairs. My brother came up. He knocked. I said "come in" he said "hey mum told me what happened" he continued saying "none of us think he is right for you Elisha." I said "you guys haven't even let him talk and I pretty sure Niall tolerates him and so do the girls." He said "well I don't like him." I said "Liam, you aren't making me feel better if that's what you're trying to do." He left shortly after that. Justin came up and said "I am going to go to the airport to go see my mom in Canada and your brother and dad went to see London again. Harry and Niall and the girls are staying back your mum is going with your dad and brother" I said "okay I'm gonna stay too. And alright text me when you get home" I ended up talking to Niall once I went back downstairs I asked "do you not like him either?" he looked at me and said "I don't like him but maybe it's just because he has you." I said "Niall, I need to know. Does everyone hate him?" he said "Elisha I'm being serious they don't it's just the way he acts" I looked at him and said "you guys haven't even gave him a chance." Niall looked at me and said "Elisha, I love you and always will and he just isn't right for you and your family agrees" I said "well guys he came to try and get you guys to like him but I guess he noticed there is no reason to try and he left to go to Canada for the holidays so congratulations you guys made him feel unwelcomed and if you truly loved me you would have tried but you didn't." I started to cry. Niall looked at me and said "I tried believe me I tried but obviously you love him more than you did me. Please stop crying I hate when you cry. " I said "no you didn't try and don't ever say that I loved you less than i love you because i love you more than I ever loved him or probably ever will." I started to cry even harder I left and went to pack. I heard the door slam I guess it was Niall. I needed to think and the only place I could was an airplane I decided I should fly back to California and that's exactly what I did. I landed in California around the same time Justin landed and he called me and said "babe, your mom called and said you left London she is worried and so was I but you answered the phone. Where are you?" I said "LA. I needed to be here it's too much drama there." He said "do you know where Niall went because he is gone too. They don't know where he is." I said "no I don't. Why would i?" He said "because you love him." I said "what?" he said "I know Elisha I may be stupid but I know. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!?" he began to yell. I said "tell you what?" he said "THAT YOU LOVE HIM" I said "because it wouldn't have made a difference this would have still happened! I think it's best if we both go single for awhile" He said "What Why? IS IT BECAUSE YOU STILL LOVE HIM!!! YOU LIED! AND DIDN'T TELL ME YOU DATED!" I said "I DIDN'T LIE! YOU JUST NEVER ASKED ME!!!!! AND I LIED? REALLY BECAUSE YOU LIED!!!! He said "WHEN?" I said "THAT YOU ENDED THE AFFAIR WITH THE FREAKING BACK UP DANCER, YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH SELENA TWICE, OH AND A FREAKING VICTORIA SECRET ANGEL OR WHATEVER!!!!!!!" he said "I NEVER CHEATED!!!!" I said "YOU'RE LYING BECAUSE THEY EVEN ADMITTED IT AND YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A JERK!!!" "WERE DONE!!!! OVER AND DON'T EVER TRY TO TALK TO ME!!!!!" I packed my stuff into my car. I went back and left the hoodie he gave me on our first date and left the key on it. That was it. I let go of the boy my family didn't like, my bestfriends and ex boyfriend who barely tolerated him. And with that relationship being over the weight lifted off of my shoulders and then I drove to Niall's house I knew he was here in the states because no one would look for him here. I knocked and said "Niall I'm sorry!" he said "one minute" he unlocked the door and said "Elisha what are you doing back?" I said "I came back I couldn't think right. I moved out of Justin's house we broke up, long story that I don't even want to talk about can I stay here until I rent a flat" he said "yeah of course but I have to tell you something first I'm sorry and I love you." And he kissed me. Niall James Horan freaking kissed me and I kissed back. He looked at me and said "I have been waiting forever to do that." I laughed and he said "you can stay in my room and I will stay in the guest room" I said "Niall, you can sleep in your bed it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before. " I went into his room and changed into sweats and a concert t-shirt and put my hair up when I noticed Niall at the doorway I asked "how long have you been there?" he said "long enough." I said "Niall you act like you haven't slept in the same bed with me before" he said "well we have I'm just surprised." I said "about what?" he said "about you coming here. Your feelings. The kiss." I looked into his blue eyes and said "I came here because I trust you and I missed you and my feelings haven't changed and nor do they plan to and the kiss like you said you have been waiting forever to that and believe me so have I." I climbed into his bed on the normal side I used to sleep on and he climbed into the opposite side I felt him slowly moving towards me I decided to say "Niall, just come and cuddle with me. I know you were trying to send me a hint" he said "thank you I didn't want to continue moving towards you and bump you off the bed." I laughed. He came closer and wrapped his arms around my sides he put his head in the crook of my neck he leaned over a little more and kissed my cheek he said "I missed this. But most of all I missed you. Night gorgeous." I smiled. And just like we fell asleep surprisingly that was the best night of sleep I have gotten in awhile. I woke up to Niall sleeping I decided I should climb out of bed. I walked into his kitchen to see what he had to cook with. I ended up getting the chocolate chip muffin mix and once I mixed it and put it in the oven. I leaned back up to see Niall standing by the fridge I said "Hey are you hungry?" he looked at me and smiled while he said "when am I not hungry. I kinda thought this was a dream at first." I said "why?" he said "because I never thought you were in my bed last night and now you're making food for me. " I said "Niall, last night was real and yes I am making chocolate chip muffins." He asked "do you really want to go flat looking today?" I said "kinda but I don't know because it's Christmas Eve. Would they be open?" he said "well.... You don't have to leave you could just stay with me." I was a little shocked. I smiled and said "I would love to but I think I need to be on my own." He looked at me kinda hurt and said "I want you to. Please! And you can trust me. Just please move in here. I missed you a lot." he then gave me the puppy dog eyes that I always give into he knew it too that's exactly why he did it. I said "Okay I give in. You win Horan. I will move in with you." He smiled and pulled me in to kiss him. I dodge the kiss and said "I need to get the muffins out now." He looked at me while I went to get the muffins out. Once I got done I went back over to him and said "okay now where were we." He finally kissed me. I stopped and asked him "Niall, what are we? I mean I just got done dating Justin yesterday. I really want to be single for at least two weeks." He looked at me and said "Elisha, we are people who are in love and I know you just ended it with Justin but I need you to be with me. And in two weeks exactly you will be mine." I smiled because I knew that he meant exactly everything he said.

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber/ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now