Chapter 30:

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A/N: Over 1,200 reads!!!!! Ahhhhh thanks guys!!!!! It means alot i might not be able to update next weekend!!! Thank you for reading!!!! Enjoy!!(:

By the time me and Niall woke up it was about noon. I didn’t feel like getting all the way dressed and neither did Niall but hey I'm not complaining he looks AMAZING shirtless. I decided to just wear the shirt Niall had on last night. We decided to make breakfast or lunch I guess. We walked to the kitchen and decided to make pancakes together. I got out the pan to cook them. I went to the cabinet to try and reach the pancake mix that Niall decided to put on the top shelf. I was trying to reach but I almost fell and Niall caught me and then he reached up to get it. Niall got the bowl out and put the ingredients in and I started mixing it until he put his arms around my waist to help me mix it. I put my finger in the mix and rubbed it on his nose. He put his finger into the mix and put it on my lips and I said “Niall, I'm going to lick it off” he said “no” he then leaned down and kissed my lips he had the mix on his lips now he licked it off his lips. After we were done eating we decided to finally get dressed after getting dressed we decided to go to Harry and Kaylea’s house. I walked into the living room and Niall decided to pick up our bedroom. While I was sitting on the couch I decided to check my twitter mentions. I saw a lot of girls with Bieber and Belieber in my mentions tagging me in a video. I clicked one of the tweets it was a video on Justin’s twitter of him singing ‘When I was your man’ I didn’t watch it I decided not to but the tweet connected to it said ‘For you. You know who you are because I messed up and I'm sorry’. I see Niall holding his phone walking down the hallway. I heard Justin’s singing voice and I heard Niall saying “what a faggot” He comes into the living room and asks “have you watched this?” I said “no I saw it though his fans were mentioning me in it” he asked “ready to go to Harry and Kaylea’s?” I said “yeah let me get my bag”. Niall opens the door as I'm getting my bag and i heard him mumble “you have to be f***ing kidding me” I walked towards him and ask “what?” I look up to find Justin at the door. I exclaimed “are you serious? What are you doing here?” Justin said “I came to see you because I thought you and him would be over and we could get back together” I laughed and said “No Niall and I are together and even if we weren’t I still wouldn’t come back to you” he said “you would because remember I love you” Niall said “no you don't. She is mine not yours and she will never be yours again” I could tell Niall started to get pissed off because he started turning red. Justin challenged “Niall, back the hell off dude” Niall challenged “you back the f*** out of our relationship” Justin shook his head and argued “No, not until I get her back” I said “You’re not getting me I don't want to be with you. We’re over. You keep butting into my relationship and being an asshole. You wonder why NO girl wants to be with you it’s because youre cheat, and a liar, and so obsessive. Just leave me, Niall, and the rest of our family alone. Don't ever talk to me. Because I'm done. Just leave.” He looked at me and said “whatever you're just a b***h” Niall looked so pissed with his fist clenched and turned to me and said “Can I please just once?” I said “you know what go ahead Niall he deserves it” Niall lifted his fist up and hit Justin once in his jaw and Justin fell back and got back up and punched Niall in the cheek and Niall hit Justin again. I said “Niall, stop” “Justin leave and leave us alone for good” Justin said “whatever” and he walked off.

Never Let You Go- Justin Bieber/ Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now